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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10785837 [View]
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Just read through kahos statement. I've highlighted the most important part for you.

It seems like she was paid exactly what was in her contract.

She asked for some extra things and AM told her no (All this happened before her flight was even booked)

so she went ahead and paid for them herself.

Later, during the con it looks like AM asked her to translate for some sort of construction project for a Japanese statue.

She agreed and helped them out, without discussing any sort of payment.

Later, she insisted that AM pay for the things that they had already told her no about (remember, they told her no before even leaving Japan) because she had helped them with that translation project.

Then when she didn't get her way she started playing to the boycotters to try and force their hand by pointing out some delays and stuff.

That's pretty much the beginning and the end of it.

So no it's not that she wasn't paid. She was absolutely paid exactly what she was told she was going to get and not a cent more.

They asked for her help translating on a call and then tried to use that against them to pay for things that they had already told her that they weren't going to pay for.

Then a bunch of sweaty weebs of course jump to her defense because booba

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