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>> No.7374491 [View]
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I love maid cafes, in my area, we've seen a lot come and go.
I think the only way a maid cafe can do well in the US is

>for the love of god, don't hire uggos just because they're your friend
maybe some hardcore weebs might go because "zomg" maid cafe, but the rest of us aren't paying extra and traveling a bit of the ways out here to be served by some hambeast who thinks she's hot shit.

>also, don't hire 15 girls that look the same, you need some variety, not all customers have the same tastes.
get some different ethnicities in there too, get tall girls, short girls, chubby girls, cute girls, beautiful girls, exotic looking girls, and market them in a way that flatters them. like a beautiful girl might want to be marketed as "Cute" but no, it isn't gonna work. hell, throw in some pretty boys to work there as butlers too

>you are going to scare away normalfags with the whole maid thing. that is why these cafes keep failing.
get a set number of days to have as normal days, and have maid days, on weekends or whenever. gotta keep the normies around, they are the main part of the population!

don't serve cheapass ramen, get a good cook. I don't care how lovely these girls are, you need good food to do well

>activities! fun activities!
on your "maid days" have fun activities to do with customers! some might pay extra to do so even!
get some videogames setup, have those shy nerds open up with a game of apples to apples, you're choice!

don't have your cafe in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, have it in a place where weebs can easily get to, the asian area of your city, wherever.

yeah, you could go the bodyline route. but some maids boobs might be too big, or some maids might be too tall. don't go the boring black x white maid route, get some colors in there! make sure you have a good seamstress to help you out on this one

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