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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6574958 [View]
File: 71 KB, 600x627, fatcosplayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They drink Coke products and sugary energy drinks non-stop, and have never seen a glass of water or milk (unless it’s got an entire bottle of Hershey’s Syrup in it)
They wear backpacks that were meant for elementary school kids… and it’s ludicrously obvious if for no other reason than the size disparity
They have eating disorders. Usually of the “I just ate an entire extra large pizza by myself in two minutes” variety.
They are all supposedly on diets. Most people, when they diet, eat salads and carrots and drink water. What the Overweight Cosplayer means by a diet is that she only eats Twinkies, Twix Bars, Pizza, French Fries, and avoids anything green or remotely healthy. Bonus points are given for ingesting FRIED Twinkies or Twix Bars.
They have no concept of their own weight, and say stupid things like “oooh, look at her outfit! Don’t you think that would look good on me?” at various points of animes/TV shows/walking down the mall
If the escalator breaks down, they get stuck. (I’m not making this up– 300 lb. whale of a girl cosplaying Chii at 2008′s Gencon… Troy and I saw this happen.)
They speak fluent Huttese.

caption: She gets an "E" for effort, but really? Whenever a fat girl cosplays, it makes the baby Jesus cry.

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