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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.8013955 [View]
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Can any of you seagulls convince me not to quit my job before getting a new one? I'm seriously considering it.

>three of my coworkers hate me
>I had a bad feeling about two of them the day I started working, the other one I just didn't really pay attention to
>I'm not sure why they hate me
>I think it's because I'm the only coworker who didn't go to their high school (almost everyone who works there is still pretty high school level mature)
>in other words I'm an outsider and an easy target
>last time I worked with them they started verbally harassing me in front of customers
>I work in customer service so it was incredibly embarrassing
>would yell at me for doing something wrong or not doing something fast enough while I'm talking to customers halfway across the store
>just to get a cheap laugh
>had a mental breakdown when my shift finally ended
>every time I think about working with them again I want to cry

I can't even complain to our managers because it's so cliquey. I'm the newest employee, and one's a shift leader and the other is in manager training. There's no way they'd believe me. And I do like some of my coworkers and I really like one of my managers, but... my mental health is already suffering enough. I can't keep doing this.

>also taking 18 course hours next semester, which is a first
>job is 45 minutes away from school
>general job market feels
>job keeps me from keeping up with my appearance, stress is making my break out and my skin is terrible atm
>i want to die

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