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>> No.9368550 [View]
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Donald McBane says:

>"Fauchions, are Wepons that no Perforn/ can get any Credit by, for whoever un-/derftandf the Back-Sword, muft be Mafter/ of them, & whoever are Spectators when/ thofe Weapons are made ufe of, have no/ Pleafure in seeing it, tho' single or double,/ by Reason there is but one Guard belonging to them, & he who makes ufe of/ them, & can fave his Knuckles without/ his Head is broake, may without controle/ fay, he was not his at all."

James Miller says little. With George Silver the closest he gets would be his "Dagger" section (English Ale-House "Daggers" are really short swords) of which he says:

>1. First know yt to this weapon ther belongeth no Wards nor gryps but againſt ſuch a one as is foolehardy & will ſuffer himſelf to haue a ful ſtabb in the face or bodye to hazard the geving of Another, then againſt him yõ may vſe yor left hand in throwinge him aſyde or ſtrike vp his heeles aftr yõ haue ſtabd him.

>2. In this daggr fyght, yõ muſt vſe cotynual motion ſo ſhal he not be able to put yõ to ye cloze of grype, becauſe yor contynuall motion diſappointeth him of his true place, & the more ferce he is in runnynge in, the ſoonr he gayneth you the place, whereby he is wounded, & yõ not any thing the rather endangered.

>3. The mannr of handling yor cõtynuall motion is this, kepe out of diſtance & ſtrik or thruſt at his hand, Arme, face or body, yt ſhal preſs vpon yõ, & yf he defend blow or thruſt wt his daggr make yõ blow or thruſt at his hand.

>4. Yf he com in wt his left legg forewards or wt the right, do you ſtrike at yt prte as ſoone as it ſhalbe wtin yor reach, remembring yt yõ vſe contynual motion in yor prgreſſion & regreſſyon according to yor twyfold gournors.

>5. Although the daggr fyght be thought a verye dangerous fyght by reaſon of ye ſhortnes & ſynglenes therof, yet the fight therof being handled as is aforeſaid, is as ſaf & as defencive as is the fight of any other weapon...

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