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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6350204 [View]
File: 40 KB, 553x473, 1350946664396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, in some shots she actually looks like a guy.
Here she looks kind of like a Weasly kid.

...but then the tits, hips, and hands throw me off.

If you're reading this Alex, Sevvie, whatever, it's best to turn back now and just ignore this all happened. Seriously. If you keep responding/cgl/ will be on your ass for months or even years. Your little followers that are posting here aren't making it any better.

OR you could see this as an oppertunity for more attention. Get followers to feel sorry for you, start a fake donation pool for a "surgery" of some kind, then use the money for costumes, cons, etc.

If you're gonna whore out, at least milk it while you can like the rest of your predecessors.

>> No.6341328 [View]
File: 40 KB, 553x473, indeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can we pause for just a moment? Let's just sit back in our chairs, settle our skirts around our knees and hold back for just one moment.

Ok? Ready?

>Why are we still bringing attention to this person?

Now before you fly to your keyboard and start sqwalking about reasons why this is a valid past time of ours, seriously give my question some thought.

Do you know how Britney Spear's exhusband, that really white trashy one that she married, was always in tabloids and celebrity rag mags and nobody really knew WHY? Why did people care enough about him to put his picture in a magazine and talk about how we went shopping for a new hat?

Do you remember that? Here's a little secret.

>If you stop talking about and taking pictures of that person, they'll go away.

Got that? Let me repeat myself for the ladies in the back playing with their stockings.


It's true! It's really really true! They'll lose their confidence. They'll lose fans eventually. They'll lose their relevance and fade away into history and be forgotten. (Where IS Kevin Federline these days? Nobody knows or cares.)

My point, ladies, is that by continually bringing this girl back and creating "OMG LOOK AT HOW HORRID SHE IS" threads, you're giving her power of you. You're giving her the attention and acknowledgement she wants. You fight her, and she probably views it as "If those bitches care enough to talk about me, then I must be doing SOMETHING right and they're just jealous. I'm going to keep doing it!"

Stop the cycle, /cgl/. Stop feeding the ugly stray dog and she'll eventually get bored and go away.

Yes, she's a pig. She's disgusting. She's disrespecting your hobby and/or way of life.

Let her fade away. Let her drift into the internet's void of obscurity. She's not worth our energy.

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