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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8579084 [View]
File: 143 KB, 736x1241, UgliestEffingSkirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little miffed of my comm's current standards in accepting applications for entry.

This week someone posted a super-vague question along the lines of "I'm just starting out lolita fashion, could I have some advice on it?" With further questioning by mods (bless their patient hearts), she specified she wanted to be a gothic lolita, which still didn't help much.

I understand not starting out with a completely full wardrobe, but no, that was just outright asking for someone to hold their hand, without having done research beforehand. It makes me wonder how this person got in the group, who their sponsor is (every new member needs one in order to enter the group), and whether their sponsor knew before how dumb (or lazy) she was.

I also noticed one of my acquaintances who I know from another social circle, is also a member of the lolita facebook group. She has zero lolita pieces, and doesn't plan to get any, at all. Her presence on the facebook page is harmless, but I'm terrified that if she decides to show up to an actual meet and she joins a group photo, she will get torn to shreds online. She has neither a fortunate face nor body shape, and the way she posts and writes online is quite inflammatory. In real life she's a nice, sociable girl and makes big bucks at her job. But she also is dealing with a lot of other shit in her life, and I don't the cattiness of the hobby to be yet another point of stress for her.

The total membership of that facebook group is exceeding 200, and yet only an average of 5-15 lolitas physically show up to events. I'm beginning to suspect that a significant portion of non-attendees may be lolitas who just don't want to deal with newbies.

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