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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8397632 [View]
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All the Kyary pictures in the last thread reminded me to finally read her biography. There was a point in it when she started talking about being cheap in fashion and expressed that she thinks her small amount of money she has to spend on clothes contributed to her creativity with them. Reading that made me smile, because as a kid I never had an allowance and I still don't have much money to spend on anything, so I get most of my clothes and accessories either 2nd hand or from cheaper stores and then very rarely splurge on a more expensive item. I was starting to feel like I'd always look mediocre because of that, but reading that has given me inspiration to just keep doing what I'm doing and have fun with it. I think if you like a challenge, and I do like to be challenged as long as it's not TOO big of a challenge, the challenge of being creative with cheap clothing can be really fun. And even if I do look a little average or mediocre, it doesn't matter as long as I'm having fun and getting to be creative because that's why I got interested in fashion in the first place.

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