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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7617565 [View]
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Just watched it.

Daaaaa HELL was up with that The Mannequin cosplay. Could he have gotten ANY further from what it was it was supposed to look like? Not one thing was was right, not the skin color tone, the heads' make ups, the angles or thickness of the arms, the blood splatter, the pose...and I know all the girls do the "drama" thing of fake freaking out and finishing a costume last minute in their rooms, BUT, how did he think it would workout by trying one a multi-armed puppet-like costume for the first time the day of the con? What. We laughed so hard when he tried to give the judges one of the heads and he dropped it. What a fucking nerd.

Wargraymon wasn't shabby. I actually seem to like that guy. Cosplayed a fairly well Kill la Kill cosplay, made a cosplay with a helmet so he didn't have to shave (coughMegaManJessecough) and seems to show some skill in the armor area. A little surprised he didn't win anything, not even a fan favorite? It wasn't the BEST Digimon I've seen, but not bad!

I see that Yaya's new shtik is going to be "I need to 'revamp' this already made cosplay" instead of pretending it wasn't made years before hand and then magically being complete within a day without showing any progress on it. She's on a fucking TV show about cosplay, why can't she show/make anything new for it? You think she would??

I'm just all sorts of confused with the Dragon Age ladies. The one in the dress went with purple, when the art/game it's clearly a dark red. She didn't make the costume and she won? Huh? The armor was good, why they genderbent it when they could have kept it the dude is whatever. But God DAMN was it irratiating to hear that ASSLOAD OF BULLSHIT about "these multibillion game companies make their characters based on if people can cosplay them." As a computer animator IRL, I literally yelled at my TV screen "NO." , but as a cosplayer I just rolled my eyes. Can you REALLY be THAT vain? Disgusting.

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