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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9155937 [View]
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I mentioned a guy I had a crush on in previous threads, but I was too shy to really talk to him. Anons were really encouraging!

>Friend insists even more he may like me.
>Get all made up on my last day
>He was staring.
>Ran into him while waiting for another coworker after work.
>Says something to imply he facebook stalked me.
>Starts going to hug me first, then awkwardly diverged to my friend, then back to me.
>Have to go to work on my last day before moving
>He actually stops me to talk to me again
>Go home
>Cry a lot.

I ended up messaging him on FB while I was wine drunk and was flirting with him, but he didn't really get it.

I've started researching the cosplay that matches the one he wanted to do. I'll be back there for Halloween, so I figured it'd be a good Halloween costume.

>mfw it's not like it'll go anywhere bc it's still long distance now

>> No.9147737 [View]
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Not that anon, but I always feel bad when I'm on a bus. I'm part deaf and don't realize when my headphones are loud sometimes. People are usually nice about it and will politely ask to turn it down, which is fine and I apologize. I've only had one rude woman. Usually I'm super aware about it on buses now, so it hasn't happened in a few years.

to make it cgl related:

The guy I like said he wanted to try out cosplaying. It's a flavor of the month cosplay, but he'd look damn attractive wearing it.

>mfw I've posted before about him likely never cosplaying
>mfw dreams do come true

>> No.9121776 [View]
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>Live in LA, paying terrible rent prices because I had no friends within LA proper
>Can't afford cosplay with my shitty little job
>Sold off all my lolita and instantly regretted it, but can't buy my pieces back because sudden poorfag
>Going back to school after a semester off
>Moving to a tiny little town in Washington.
>Most expensive place to rent I've seen is still less than half of what I pay now
>Will be able to cosplay again
>Might be able to get my wardrobe back eventually
>Can actually save money

Also, nearly unrelated to cgl but related to my feels

>will be able to afford the dog breed of my dreams

>> No.7843851 [View]
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Wh-Where can I follow you, anon? I love your art style, and if I had been able to go to Fanime this past year, I would've bought your art!

>> No.7708733 [View]
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I keep updating these feels, but here we go.

>Went to Europe five months ago.
>Came back, hours got drastically cut a week later.
>Would have had enough money to save up again if they didn't.
>Won't be able to get a cosplay done, seagulls encourage me to do it on a budget.
>Hours get cut again.
>Have to drop the cosplay.
>Can't find another job.
>Finally contact old job.
>Said they're not hiring, but some other stores are so they'll call me back.
>Finally get the call back, old asm is insisting I go to an open interview.
>Go, the manager of my store is there (who is new, so I didn't work with her)
>Interview with her.
>Get offered a job immediately after my interview.
>Told I'll be working 30-35 hours a week.
>Fuck yes, not bad.
>Better than the 25 every two weeks I'm getting now!
>Go in to talk to manager, realize con is on a holiday.
>Ask to request it off even though I'm not technically hired for a couple more weeks.
>No one requested it off yet.
>Will have con off and money for the con.

This job gave me far too many hours when I was in school, but at the moment I don't mind. It's better than the shit I'm getting now, where I have to ask my dad for money to eat each week.

>> No.7690715 [View]
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>Been trying to lose weight for a couple years.
>Asthma + ballet injury made it so nothing really stuck with me
>Find a gym with a pool.
>Whatever I'll try it.
>Able to swim for a long time
>Get matched with random personal trainer
>She also had asthma before she got fit and had surgery on her knee.
>She knows exactly how to help me through her experiences.
>Even able to do some cardio on the machines easier because I just also feel better and know I have another option if my knee starts to hurt or I begin having an asthma attack.
>Finally like going to the gym and working out.
>Really excited about not having to wear shape wear under my cosplays probably by early next year.

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