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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10100306 [View]
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I have a heavy schedule this semester and took a class over winter break and didn't have enough time to work on cosplays for Katuscon, but it looks like everything will be done with time to spare! We also had a bunch of drops in the room so there's actually going to be some room to exist in there. Plus, my tax return came in and I was able to cover rent for March, paying off my credit card for this past statement, putting into savings, and have more for spending at the dealer's. It's a great feeling!!!

>> No.9962932 [View]
File: 27 KB, 411x411, 17799399_711358072369981_4140182067573316005_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES. Climb that ladder.

>> No.9846067 [View]
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Any of them. Everyone there is so drunk no one really gives a fuck except the sober fucks who weren't able to go. Go wear a bikini, drink a giant cup of alcoholic sugar slush for every meal, and have a goddamn ball. If you want someone that's fatter in comparison (probably), look for me. I'll make you look skinnier by default and I'll buy you a confidence-boosting drink.

>> No.9706565 [View]
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If I ever open a sex shop, I know what I'm calling it.

>> No.9598456 [View]
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>new job
>just found out two coworkers are weebs
>and one is a trap
This job is killing me, but the people are good.

>> No.9583770 [View]
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>>9582844 here, I just won my first prize after being mad for a year because of what i mentioned

>> No.9527033 [View]
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I just got called for an interview for a FT Pharmacy Tech job. It's retail, so it'll be minimum wage/slightly higher, but it's a great foot in the door for what I want to make a full career out of. Plus, they'll pay for my PTCB exam (supposedly) and it's more hours so I'll have money for cons next year! I'm really excited, I've been doing the 2 part-time job thing for years and I'm actually getting closer to a real adult job.

>> No.9517768 [View]
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>super low on money
>Miku store has 50% off sale
>resist the temptation

I'm proud.

>> No.9511587 [View]
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Honestly I think most people either won't care, or will keep their opinion to their selves, as long as you're talented. /cgl/ is ferocious to fatties so there will be some unkind remarks here, but there will also be some nice comments. See >>9507920 and >>9506713, for example, and I haven't heard one person here call out Puchiko from Honey Hime for her weight. Because those people's talent outshine their weight. Besides, dancing is a good way to inspire you to get more exercise anyway. You should give it a shot!

>> No.9478447 [View]
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Old thread reached its limit >>9470256

Let's have a big old feel-fest. Remember to keep it cgl-related, and don't derail.

>> No.9478445 [DELETED]  [View]
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Old thread reached its limit >>9470256

Let's have a big old feel-fest. Remember to keep it cgl-related, and don't derail.

>> No.9462197 [View]
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Mean, but hilarious. Kids are cruel.

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