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>> No.10052977 [View]
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> when did you discover lolita? how old were you?
Sometime in 2006/2007. I played with KiSS dolls made by SakuraFairy/Tyler, and I got a KERA magazine as a gift. I was 12.

> what substyle first interested you?
Gothic, because at the time I was a weeby mallgoth

> what was your first dream dress? did you ever get it?
I got into sweet later on, and my first dream dress was Sugary Carnival because every sweet lolita had to have it back then. I first got the skirt, then the JSK and OP. Now I only have the JSK.

> first brand dress?
A weird and old BTSSB OP that I got off ebay

> did any particular coords, pics, media, etc make you fall in love with lolita?
yes, I would read the lolita-handbook daily and look at all the example photos they posted and i became transifxed with the fashion. once i watched kamikaze girls it was over, i was in love.

> how have your tastes changed?
i went from weeby baby goth ita, to tryhard OTT sweet pastel vomit, to a slightly more toned down sweet style today. nowadays i am really attracted to food prints inspired by vintage advertising (think honey cake) and more simple cuts.

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