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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10816832 [View]
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>be me at 17
>used to love anime and conventions
>made a buncha new friends easily
>shitty handmade cosplay, mostly cardboard
>no money for merch or a nice hotel
>whatever, we just bring a packed lunch
>too young to be invited to afterparties
>most ppl are strangers but potential new friends
>"Cons will be so much fun when im older and have a decent job"
>still had the best time of my life

[insert pandemic + uni degree]

>be me at 24
>basically a Hikikomori thanks to WFH job
>finally have money for merch and hotel if i want
>have decent sewing machine and other tools for making
>have decent camera finally and know how to use it (mostly)
>havent made anime friends in years, bad at keeping in touch with old ones
>generally depressed and lost interest in most modern shows
>anxious to be in such a big place surrounded by so many people nowadays
>everywhere I look I see the same copy pasted genshit onlyfans whores
>sometimes run into people who I fell out with and feel even worse
>after an hour in any convention hall I just feel overwhelmed and wanna go home

how the fuck do you make anime friends i dont wanna go somewhere alone T-T

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