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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8388371 [View]
File: 717 KB, 500x191, can't handle it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah gulls I'm freaking out.
I bought my dream dress and decided to have it shipped to me from my SS using surface mail. My friends all told me everything would be fine, but I can't help but worry about the poor thing out there all by itself, so delicate and uninsured...

>> No.8270412 [View]
File: 717 KB, 500x191, 1427186169985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually the thing of nightmares Jesus

>> No.8202170 [View]
File: 717 KB, 500x191, cantdeal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to greentext a story of mine.
>get interested in lolita around 2005(in high school)
>like MM classic and AP sweet
>am 5'10, but with short torso
>34/26/38 so measurements seem fine
>lust over pieces for years but know I'll probably never get them
>around 2010 after being a 'poor' young adult I start buying pieces
>still love AP and sweet is very popular, so I decide to start there
>buy a lot of brand new brand coords, accessories the works
>try to buy longer pieces
>everything arrives so I try it on
>looks like shit
>blouses are tight in the chest despite my small breasts
>skirts look fine
>jsks riding up
>what gives?
>wear it out, everyone compliments me
>feel uncomfortable(physically in the clothing)
>try buying different styles of items to see how they look
>still look like shit
>keep it for a few years then decide to sell/trade it all(around 2012 or so)
>sell off some rare pieces and make a bit of cash
>decide to buy MM because it's made longer and will look more elegant on me
>have a few dream pieces by this time
>looking around on LJ, see someone selling my dream dress in a preferred colorway
>throw all of my money at it
>very excited
>go to try it on
>zipper won't budge...at my ribcage
>come to the realization that I have a pretty big ribcage
>realize that's probably why AP didn't fit well, regardless of my short torso
>actually begin sobbing because I can never wear any of the lolita I love properly
>shirred pieces ride up a bit because of my larger ribcage
>even try on some MMM and Baby that friends own
>same issue
>end up settling for some taobao pieces that still fit odd
>sell them too
>leave lolita
>help out on online comms as much as possible still
i just wanted to be cute...

>> No.8110806 [View]
File: 717 KB, 500x191, cantdeal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i miss the shoe sale

>> No.7632916 [View]
File: 717 KB, 500x191, tumblr_n0f7hj6vX31qaib74o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got the perfect job 2 months ago, basically dream job
>loved my co-workers, workspace everything
>have minor disability in leg that causes me to be unable to stand too long if it flares up
>boss/owner is fine with me working a bit less than full time hours
>one day have horrible horrible pain in leg, can't even walk without pain
>have to call into work because of it
>manager(not boss) is really pissy/accuses me of lying
>say I have medical documentation I am willing to bring in
>literally the next day, my day off, get a call about a meeting between me and the manager
"anon, we're not as busy as we thought so we're gonna have to let you go"

holy shit i have never been so sad/pissed off in my entire life. I feel like I legit was fired due to my disability, but through some loophole I can't do anything about it. I'm just so shocked and appalled.

>> No.7491324 [View]
File: 717 KB, 500x191, tumblr_n0f7hj6vX31qaib74o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all my wisdom teeth grew in fine and I was really excited not to need them out
>tfw 6 years later all of them are fucked to hell
>horrible throbbing pain all night no sleep
>$1400 to get them out
>insurance won't cover even half of it
>con season just starting up

no cons for me this year, i wish i would have just gotten them out when i was on my parents comfy insurance.

>> No.7380252 [View]
File: 717 KB, 500x191, tumblr_n0f7hj6vX31qaib74o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The internet caters to nobody
The internet? What about real life? I'd hate to see these people go anywhere outside ever, they'd go fucking mental. Pic related, a bulimic passing a cake shop.

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