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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9629592 [View]
File: 953 KB, 330x300, goddamn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work months on cosplay for convention out of country
>mainly made from EVA, never used it so much in one costume
>convention time woo
>only manage 4 hours of con wear and tear
>foam tearing, glue letting go, elastic flying off
>never had cosplay failures this bad
>stuff pieces in car trunk
>come home
>throw costume in corner of garage in a rage
>feel disheartened over fucking up and not forseeing material failures

it's been almost a month and it's the first time I could bear to even look at the fucking mess

I'll try to fix it for the next con but fucking hell, bad feels man

>> No.8961293 [View]
File: 953 KB, 330x300, aaaaaAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... at least it looks clean? I don't even know
>that collar thing

>> No.8804507 [View]
File: 953 KB, 330x300, 1452104881784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jittery already.

>> No.8799648 [View]
File: 953 KB, 330x300, goddamn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuuck, saw this posted at work and I decided to check it out now that I'm home, why do I even do this to myself

>> No.8073934 [View]
File: 953 KB, 330x300, tZjXoBA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just being honest anon. Sooner I accept the reality the easier it is to move on and keep trying to enjoy what I love.

>> No.7897848 [View]
File: 953 KB, 330x300, goddamnit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw car battery dies
>tfw (somewhat) misanthropist introvert taking public transportation to and back to work
>smell like sourdough, cheese, sweat, and B.O after a long shift
>on my way back to the apartment via bike
>typical college party occurring on the way back
>apparently, even in the dark and wearing all black uniform, people could still see my face and I'm Asian
>(drunk?) class 1 asshole makes a racial slur
>I need to pee and shower BAD - aintnobodygottimefordat.gif
>tfw hoping he saw my middle finger before I went out of view
>went to pick up an electric razor before I got home- realized I bought the wrong battery size
>roommate was home before I was and takes shower before me
>tfw by the time I shower, the water is cold

God I hope I can sleep tonight because I'm sick and I'm pissed about my weekend so far, and I'm getting nervous about corporate heads visiting my workplace.

Eugh, I swear, if I didn't smell and pee so badly, I would have turned my bike around and hurt the guy in a very sensitive spot - shit, I could have thrown my nasty shoe at him. I'm so tired of trying to keep my cool and pretending to not give a shit when this is such a reoccurring phenomenon through my life. I almost wished that he had cat-called me because I really smelled and probably looked a little gross.

/sage because although a strong set of feels, not totally cgl related unless I extended my post

>> No.7568990 [View]
File: 953 KB, 330x300, 1380875950155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Kaoru Mori is coming to the worst con in the country

>> No.7132513 [View]
File: 953 KB, 330x300, 1378179660623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you could, which fandom at cons would you kill off forever?

Doc Who, Supernatural, Homestuck, Sherlock, Avengers/Marvel in general (especially bad crossplays), Naruto, Hetalia, Death Note, The Hobbit, and....


No seriously, what is the goddamn calling autistic faggots have to cosplay him and run around like a 13 year old weaboo being lolrandumb?

>Which dead fandom would you bring back to replace that one?

I don't know if it's dead, or if it even lived in the first place but... Warhammer 40k.

I love the lore, I love the fluff, and I love the goddamn art I've seen of IG. I just don't see it enough cosplayed in 'Merika.

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