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>> No.7053470 [View]
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>tfw you gradually and silently back out of a fandom to escape high school-tier drama
>hate multiple people within said fandom and they hate me (clash of personalities, really)
>be mature about shit and keep the drama to myself when asked about the specific people and/or fandom
>generally put in a good word or two for these people, despite the fact that they don't deserve it at all
>some time later (AKA today) find out that even after staying silent and staying away, I'm still being talked about as if I'm some kind of monster

Getting really tired of this high school shit.
This is why I stopped participating in fandoms so long ago. There can't just be mutual enjoyment in something without a fuckton of unnecessary drama.

>> No.6776278 [View]
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>That one friend you made at a con who is obsessed with dog/mix loli characters and thinks he's just like a male version of one of his favorite girl characters
>He tries so hard to show me all of his "dog-like" mannerisms and how they all just come ~so natural to him~, therefor it's just destiny that this character is his favorite
>MFW he was chillin with someone I know who later told me he said he was upset at the con and proceeded to rest his head on her shoulder AND WHINE LIKE A PUPPY to get her to feel sorry for him

Shit, if I was around, I'd have given him a swift kick to the mouth.

>> No.6723779 [View]
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>be with new male friend who has a huge thing for a half-wolf half-human character
>decide we want to play video games
>he goes to turn on the system, "sitting" like a dog in the process
>he's clearly waiting for me to say something
>I don't
>after a few seconds he pipes up with "wow, I didn't even notice this until now, how totally dog-like my pose is lolol"
>he has this "I'm so proud of myself" tone, as if his having ~dog-like mannerisms~ is the coolest thing
>keeps going on about other various dog-like mannerisms he has while fishing for compliments in the process
>"I guess I'm more like the character than I thought!"

And another story with the same type of idiocy, a bit more toned down.

>going through Facebook newsfeed
>acquaintance who is obsessed with a certain character posts status update
>"My name on AIM/Skype/etc is the same as this character name, and when I talk to people, they ask me if I'm RPing her! I'm not even trying to RP! XDXDXDXD I guess I'm the irl version!"

I fucking can't stand when people think they are the embodiment of a character they like simply because they have taken to (clearly) forcing themselves into having similar mannerisms. They always expect to get so much attention and praise because they're so "lolrandum xD", still acting like a character ~without even trying~

>> No.6640527 [View]
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