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>> No.9297675 [View]
File: 136 KB, 1300x951, mau-rakau-martial-art-kaitaia-nz-aug-maori-chief-teach-young-men-street-aug-s-ancient-maori-teaches-32998796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah but a lot of those arts were, I don't want to say lost, but definitely misplaced with the introduction of firearms.

Except they were not, and continued as cultural tradition, usually as sport or ritual. But none of that matters in this instance.... The subject is a living, active culture (granted, a fictional culture of orcs) who are actively fighting. They would have martial arts.

> I can't find many references to how they trained to fight or what techniques they used to fight
> I've been looking hard

You obviously haven't been looking very hard. Its been steadily gaining traction for years. Look up Limalama, which is the modern revival of traditional Samoan martial arts, Mau rākau which is Maori, and Kapu Kuʻialua which is Hawaiian. I've been doing a little of both, as the concept of power generation for throws and takedowns actually makes use of my thickness. Its pretty brutal, and as much as I hate to say it, the new Moanna movie is really helping spark interest because The Rock studies it.

Yeah, that is true, but it should also be noted that it is because the older arts are superceded by the change of fighting styles and technology. For example, sidesword > rapier > smallsword > modern fencing. The longsword fell out of relevance, and thus out of knowledge.

Why are you mixing retailers and producers?

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