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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9708451 [View]
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I think I went to my first con about... 7 years ago? Which might not seem like much but in my country the con scene has only been expanding in recent years.
I remember it was the first 'big name' convention held in my city, and there was a lot of buzz around it. I went as 'cute' Thor, and made my hammer out of a tissue box base. I used a normie blue dress with a shitty dollar store tutu underneath, and used duct tape to make the armor components to stick on the front. I was so damn proud of my duct-tape head piece and my shitty eBay wig.
We waited almost an hour to get in at opening time, and I remember the line peaked at about 3 hours a bit later in the morning after we'd gone in. I'd had all of 20 minutes sleep the night before because I was so excited, and my friends and I just stayed up all night talking.

A bunch of people took my picture and complimented me in the line as well as in the con, and for some weird reason multiple people thought the wig was my real hair. If I wore that exact cosplay to a con today i'd probably get posted here and have the shit ripped out of me, haha.

I just remember it being such a pure and fun experience. I thought I looked amazing and I remember just crashing on the car ride home because I was so exhausted.

Nowadays that same con is just another standard fixture in the yearly lineup. It's pretty crazy thinking back to how big it seemed that first year.
I have to say, I did lose that 'magic' feeling of going to cons for quite a few years, but i've rekindled it recently as I've found some really genuine friends through cosplay, and i'm excited to go to cons and just have fun again.

>sage for blogpost but i'm feeling warm and nostalgic now

>> No.9505030 [View]
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Yea and if you have done your research those cases are a small percentage. This stuff isn't rampant at all.

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