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>> No.10888093 [View]
File: 692 KB, 1280x1024, 2023-10-09-192010_1280x1024_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have very few irl friends, and none who would go with me.
hello past me
you know how i made friends?
i did those things on my own and met them because i did them.
this is your moment anon, this is your chance for character building and courage! only in the face of fear do we have the opportunity to be courageous! you can do it!!!
also why not just taxi-train-taxi? most stations have a taxi rank. that way you'll avoid most people, also do you not get trains much? they are usually the more civilized mode of transport. it's buses where you will get murdered by crackheads, but they do that regardless of how you dress.
t. can't drive and is in mid 30's and consistently traveled all over the country by public transport for my whole life.

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