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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9038212 [View]
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>Wanted to please a friend who is a popular cosplayer
>She was looking for people to cosplay from a manga series with at a Fall con
>Yes friend I will cosplay with you yes yes
>Work hard to finish costume of cool but fairly unknown side character (he had only recently been introduced)
>Meet up at con, she didn't finish her costume so she brought a costume for a kinda-sorta related series
The best example I can give is if she wanted everyone to cosplay from Tales of the Abyss, but she brought a Tales of Vesperia costume instead. They're both "Tales of"games, but not actually related? It was kinda like that.
>Turns out every other person had also dropped out but didn't say anything until day of so it's just me and one other girl (also cosplaying a side character) cosplaying the intended series
>Popular cosplayer girl still takes center stage though because… she's… popular. Other girl and I are kinda shoved to the side as Popular gets all sorts of attention and photos.
>(My costume was pretty cool but there was room for improvement. Other girl's costume was spot on and impeccably made. I was upset at being sidelined, but I was madder than a hornet's nest that she was ignored)
About six months later, Popular has actually finished her costume so she asks me to bring mine to another con
>Most of the original group actually has their costumes together
> Oh j/k they're all sewing in the hotel room
>Popular has a anxiety attack over her costume because it's not done, have to help calm her down
>Group gets out on con floor hours after initially intended
>I still get sidelined because I'm not Popular
>mfw later they all complain that life is so hard when I'm one of the like two people in the group that doesn't live with their parents and has a job. Half the others aren't even in school or anything so how the blazes don't they get their shit done on time? What are they doing with their lives?

I regret trying to be buddies with such stressful slackers.

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