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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8540133 [View]
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Cons are /cgl/ related, right?

>last year go to Maturicon with my friend T, her friend A, and A's bf
>A is a complete bitch and ruins the con for us

>this year
>make plans with just T, find out she's inviting her friend D
>I don't like D (he's creepy af), so I make plans with another group of friends
>D bails, and T can no longer afford to go
>Explain the situation to my friends, and make plans with T again (I've known her longer, so I'd feel bad just shrugging her off)
>later find out she doesn't even have a room booked
>make the room arrangements myself
>suddenly we get a text from A
>she can afford to go, so she's rooming with us (doesn't even fucking ask)
>since she's T's friend, I begrudgingly let her
>she starts bossing us around about the hotel and "making plans" for a game night and what panels we should all go to (fuck that)
>get a text from T last night, she can't afford both nights
>explain the situation to A
>we both want to go down for the two nights, but A refuses to pay more and says that T should still pay for both her nights even though she's only going to be there for one
>mfw I'm going to end up having to pay the entire difference because A is too big of a bitch to pay an extra $25

God, I can't wait until I get a good job. I'm just going to room by myself once I can afford it.

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