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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7870008 [View]
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There's a relatively popular cosplayer in my area that has won a ridiculous amount of contests even though her costumes are always terrible. She keeps winning and placing because the judges are her friends, but if you mention this, you'll be silenced to death and mocked by her white knights. Even when you talk about her here in cgl her friends will defend her with the tired old "you're just jelly" arguments. Or the always basic "well her costumes might not be that good but she's such a sweetie!".

Not only is this a mockery of a fair competition, but this chick is dumb as fuck and an annoying, self-centered bitch. She keeps up the "I'm so sweet and nice" facade, but since I know her well, I see right through it. She's extremely catty and an impenitent social climber who's gotten where she is by naming names and licking asses.

It's driving me insane. I'm not the only one who hates her, but we share a good amount of friends and I always feel so pissed off when I see her. I wish I could just not care and feel at least indifferent towards her.

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