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>> No.8974550 [View]
File: 180 KB, 433x810, novala takemoto rules on the lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to become a lolita, you say.
>So become one, I reply.
>What can I do to look like a lolita?
>I have no words with which to reply to this.
>You need a headdress, don’t you? And a pannier.
>Is this coordinate strange?
>Is it not wrong for lolita?
>Why do you want to do lolita?
>Because it’s trendy, because my friends do it…
>If that’s the case, you have no right to wear lolita.
>If you just do what the others do, you will look like a lolita.
>But I want you to think about something.
>Who do you live for?
>You think you want to be yourself, but you are afraid of isolation.
>You yell that you want to be free, but you take comfort in following convention.
>When you are praised for something you don’t even feel comfortable with, are you really satisfied?
>Girls who wear Vivienne Westwood but don’t even know the Sex Pistols.
>Even when wearing a jersey, a princess is a princess.
>My lolita rules are mine alone.
>So you are the only one who can find your own lolita rules.
>My god and your god are different, aren’t they?
>There are angels who wear elegant dresses and play tamborines,
>But there are also angels wearing armor and carrying swords whose job it is to fight.
>I can’t answer your question.
>But there are a lot of hints all around you.
>You just haven’t noticed yet.
>What you feel is right is your answer.
>Sew frills onto the hem of your heart!
>Put a tiara on top of your soul!
>Have pride.
>- Novala Takemoto


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