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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9759920 [View]
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giving this another try
Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
mostly cons, I just got started on cosplay
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
CJMC and Animex since those two are in my city, I've been wanting to go to cons in other states tho
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Anime: EVA, Madoka Magica, Gundam, GitS, Gantz(manga), Macross, and a lot more that I don't remember right now
Vidya: a lot of RTS and strategy, Souls series, recently I've been getting into Witcher and Hollow knight, currently playing a lot of fortnite (poor man's PUBG heh)
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I've only made a very shoddy stalker years ago, currently working on Elite Knight from Dark souls
>Other interests
I ocasionally do gunpla bulids, watch so-bad-it's-good movies and reading random things on the internet
>What are you looking for?
friends maybe? mostly people to talk ocasionally about cosplay progress/ideas, discuss anime, I'm ok with any kind of conversation, maybe playing something online.
>What are you NOT looking for?
/pol/ and drama
>Contact info
discord: InternalScreaming#0414 steam is the same thing
here, have a nanachi

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