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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7486952 [View]
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Girls nowadays seem to have forgotten what 'moderation', 'different strokes' and 'average' are. To them, if you're not 100% absolutely perfect they nitpick the shit out of you, and if you say you don't care they tell you that you're an asshole for not caring about [insert tiny flaw here]. It's like if you're not looking at your body under the microscope and pointing what's ugly about you, you're wrong and stuck up and "have to be taught your place".

Girls in my comm started saying I am just "putting on a nice girl act" when in reality I don't give a shit about their crazy standards. I'm there to talk about lolita, not how I forgot to paint my nails and feel "sooo ugly" because of it. I've seen it on /cgl/ too a lot. Everything always has to be made extreme with them. When someone has a few zits they go "eeeewwww what a pizzaface", an okayish coord becomes an ita disaster, a slightly chubby girl is a "massive fug landwhale", a girl is called Nose (her name's Rose) even if her nose is perfectly average, and if you dare say that you like something about yourself or merely accept it the way it is, they'll unleash the rage at you because YOU ARE SOOOO STUCK UP.

I thought it was only 4chin but no, it's like the world collectively forgot about the concept of moderation. They always seem to go to extremes on purpose to pick a fight. Once I completely accidentally said I have a slim nose (we were talking about plastic surgery and I said I didn't want any) and they started nitpicking: "Ummmm, I wouldn't say slim? More like... A weirdly high nose bridge? You would really benefit from some shaving off I think?" (Valley girl intonation and all). Another girl once said she had long legs (which she) and they went: "I think you should wear poofier skirts to hide the bowlegs". She doesn't even have bowlegs.

It's just annoying as fuck.

>> No.7402643 [View]
File: 62 KB, 466x478, 1393417937467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marriage is very important to me and I just can't stand seeing shit like that.
Like, it's supposed to be a union made out of love but you see assholes banning gays from getting married. Yet there are gold diggers living on divorce settlements, sugar babies, people beating their wives, old tycoons complaining about the "sanctity of marriage" yet marrying 20yo Playboy models for a couple of years...
Fuck this gay earth

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