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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8884297 [View]
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It's kind of funny:

>watch anime since forever
>that girl who watched okane ga nai when she was 9 years old
>that girl who wrote yaoiz rape fanfics and crazy fetishes like tight underwear
>fanfics that i showed to the few friends i had
>they actually loved them
>Thank God for kids shit taste
>the same girl who trembled in excitement when she went to her first convention
>the place where she bought her ita staple mini top hat, cat ears and tail
>the girl who dragged her parents to a con and after a few awkward moments she bonded with them
>used to sing all the time
>wanted to be like Hatsune miku desu
>make retarded animu dances
>that girl who wrote nya on messenger and such
>used to be into petplay because "I'm totes a totem caguai neko desu"
>hated it when she understood how petplay works
>now is a dom
>got to horribly sing a song from death note and published it on youtube
>thank God the girl who was with me probably erased it
>dress up horribly
>gross ita

The funniest thing is that my parents kind of were condescending about my hobbies, specially lolita and vocaloid.

>they let me buy stuff i considered lolita
>mother explained to everyone what was lolita or vocaloid
>she still kind of talks about that

But i don't want to be a lolita anymore, they tend to look beautiful and all of that stuff, but just thinking about wearing j-fash makes me feel a lot lf pain amd guilt.

>> No.8800564 [View]
File: 165 KB, 439x481, 057-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read post of seagull
>remember why you hate cons
>tfw you come here to see people having fun
>tfw you come here to see people making great cosplays and beautiful coords
>tfw never had a backbone and will never have to wear lolita or any other j-fashion

I will always hate my cousins and my brother, i am bitter, they always made fun of me because i was a weeb, of course, it helped me to grow up i guess, but now i can't listen to japanese because i feel like shit, i can't think about dressing up in j-fashion because that makes me cringe really hard. But i still love that.

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