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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8924477 [View]
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Thank you anon that's super sweet. Nah the thing is, i actually only began wearing lolita again this year, i was a lolita at 14,loved it so much,only had bodyline and F+F but yeah. It was around 2011-2012. Things were active everything seemed so exciting (even though even back then i've never liked being "in communities" but i would lurk on LJ and read blogs).
Then i had my teenage identity crisis including fakeboi times and trying other styles.
Now i'm 19,feeling a bit better with myself,bought my first brand pieces including a dream dress from my 14yo self (dreamy dollhouse). Three main pieces hanging in my closet. Yet i just can't even bear to wear it?
Yesterday i've tried on my first full outfit since so many years but i felt...nothing.

I just feel so bored and done with everything and yet i know i started the fashion again because i still love it but that "spark" is like..gone. I just wish life was more exciting...

Sorry i turned this into a feel post

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