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>> No.9306634 [View]
File: 69 KB, 480x455, suicide booth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is suffering, I'm not going to disagree with any of you on that. Depression can be a medically diagnosed ailment as well, not everything has a solution as simple as "you'll get better over time" or "take some pills and you'll perk up." You actually have to want to get better. If you are so utterly lost and desperate to end your existence nothing short of forcefully committing you to an Asylum will stop you. People who truly want to die will take measures to make it happen. I know, I've seen it.

But if even a shred of you has any minute desire to carry on, to make it to a day when things are better, to feel happy and fulfilled again, seek help. A 10 minute chat with a friend, a loved one, or even a therapist isn't going to provide all of life's solutions or right chemical imbalances, or erase traumatic experiences. But it's a step in the right direction and urge anyone that even contemplates suicide to find someone willing to listen. There are a vast number of suicide and crisis hotlines available for free with people that legitimately care about you. Most of this board is under 30 years, how can anyone here say with complete certainty that the first 1/4 to /13 of your life will be anything remotely similar to the next 66-75 percent?

The argument that some people should be allowed to commit suicide is valid, but I sincerely doubt anyone in this thread is suffering from an immensely debilitating disorder or terminal illness so severe that an assisted suicide would even be remotely considered by anyone on a professional level.

Depression fucking hurts. It's like a void that eats away at you from the inside, it distances you from the ones you love, sucks the joy out of hobbies and daily activities and leaves you like a hollowed out shell consumed by the misery of feeling as though everyday until your last will be nothing more than continued suffering. But life can get better, if you're willing to try.

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