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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6369490 [View]
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I cosplay for a lot of reasons
The community
The attention
To get over my social phobia
Everyone needs a hobby???
Because I like dressing up
I love wigs
Sewing is fun

What I am trying to say is, I am not denying that attention is one of the goals, but I don't cosplay only for attention. If I only wanted male attention I'd get breast implants, would be cheaper anyway.

>> No.6331256 [View]
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>implying that a pretty girl can't be just platonic friends with a guy
What point are you trying to make? Is it
>pretty girls are all sluts and wouldn't hang out with a guy without wanting his cock
>pretty girls can't hang out with guys because the guys would think she is romantically interested in him
>the guy then finds out that is not the case and feels friendzoned

>> No.6328603 [View]
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No, you still didn't read the posts. Look.
Avatarfagging is a problem when it uses up image limit space that is needed for thread related picture, like in image dumps. I will not avatarfag in such threads. In this thread however, the image limit will probably not be hit anyway, and it is mostly discussion, the images are just used to underline statements. So all you do is getting pissed at someone posting pictures on the internet right now. You might want to step away from your computer and take a deep breath.

Bleh, I feel like tumblr social justice bloggers have only the best intentions. But some, not even all of them but some, are so terrible about it it entirely justifies their bad reputation.

>> No.6324695 [View]
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It is not like this is tumblr or something, the fans on /cgl/ are usually not fucking terrible idiots.

>> No.6313029 [View]
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I am pretty flat, without a lot of curves and a little underweight, also pale as hell. I don't think I look asian at all, but I also don't want to. I rather try hard to make the best I can out of my type!

>> No.6297048 [View]
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I think cis started out as just a word for "a person that identifies as the gender they were born with" because that is hella long to say. People made jokes about it like this whole "die cis-scum" thing going on and it degraded into a joke word to add to "white, middle-class, male, hetero, privileged person."

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