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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7049284 [View]
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Also finished cutting and shaping the belts (for now) so I finally started sculpting the harness pieces. I made a plaster wrap of my upper leg and am sculpting directly on top of it to get the curve correct. It's sulfur-free clay with foam and a thumb tack on top. The bevel's not quite there yet, but I'm going to let it solidify a bit before touching it again.

I'm casting in Task 13 resin, which is semi-rigid and impact resistant. Once it's cast, I'm going to dremel in some slots for the belts to sit in snuggly so they don't shift (and possibly rig some elastic in for a tiny bit of flex).

The 3DMG box is going to screw directly into this, so it needs to be pretty sturdy. I've got an internal elastic harness that's going to help hold everything up.

...In theory. A little over 3 weeks to go! Party tiiiiime.

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