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>> No.10111389 [View]
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Andre would always tell me I was like the son he'd never had (despite being a trans person and thus not a man) and it always made me a little uncomfortable. I left Arcadia when I realised I was wasting my time trying to work with someone who was oblivious to his own shortcomings and refused to improve his own cafe that he'd already sunk a fuckload of money into. I realised if I wanted to be doing maid shit seriously I'd be better off not just hanging around Arcadia for some 'epic whacky joke' because watching him flounder in his own incompetence was frankly too much to bear.

He'd buy alcohol for the maids who were mostly 17 at the time which always seemed a little sketchy (a man in his mid-thirties supplying alcohol to children is a little unbecoming, to say the least). One time I was really drunk after he'd bought us all drinks and I made the mistake of accepting a kiss on the lips from him, felt really disgusted afterwards and the second time he tried it I just 360 and walked away.

While he's not a child rapist he's creepy in the same way that Vic Mceggnog is, he's very touchy and likes kissing where it's not exactly appropriate. An example of this is where he bought alcohol for the maids and played a 'hickey circle' game with them. Thankfully I left the room before this happened but I'd seen pictures of where Andre had marked one of the maids.

Oh, and he threatened to show up at one of the maid's houses when he got really mad after he cancelled the next event because everyone was sick of his bullshit. If you're quick you might be able to see the screenshots that one of the maids posted of a recent argument where he generally acts like a bit of a manchild.

I think anyone is capable of changing, Andre just needs to stop getting frustrated when he does shit wrong and learn from his mistakes like someone who isn't a cum filled Cro-Magnon.

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