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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8649732 [View]
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>friends with bestie since high school age
>we're both nearing 30 now
>her family is lower middle class, she's unemployed cause of health reasons
>doesn't earn any money herself but has $1000+ birthday/holiday money saved up

>invite her to out of state con
>she wants to go but bullshits about 100% confirming it
>two roomies confirm, room is at max with four people
>tell bestie she can't go because room owner doesn't like to room stuff
>two roomies drop out super close to con for legit reasons over job loss and sudden medical bills
>tell bestie there's still room for her now
>"No anon, I can't go. I spent my $1000+ saved up money on new electronics and stuff"
>okay that's cool, just thought I'd ask

>go to con
>bestie constantly whines on twitter about how "all my friends are at con while I'm stuck at home and I'm broke, parents are broke, and we can't even afford to buy soda this week"
>tune it out because she often complains about lack of money to buy things or how parents have no money to buy this or that

>come home from con
>buy a few cheap kawaii things on auction sites
>snag a cosplay item for $5 and post on twitter about it
>bestie replies to it "And you complain about money issues, Anon!"
>u wut mate
>suddenly pissed off but trying to be cool because it's my bestie
>ask them when was the last time I complained about money
>"Uh.. when you were buying stuff for the convention you just went to??"
>you mean the con where two roomies couldn't go so I had to pay $250 in room share fees?
>"Oh, I didn't know about the room situation, Anon! teehee"
>then what did you see me complaining about not having money for?
>"Oh you know the last six months has been a blur for me so I don't remember lol"

>try to ignore her and cool down
>inside raging because she's the one that does that shit, not me
>next day she tweets me again
>"Hey anon! Check out these Korean snack foods I got! I got ten of these ramens too!!"

>> No.8575303 [View]
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>dress on wall at least seems to be cute
>would rather show off the Milanoo reject

>> No.8469863 [View]
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>$270 USD for a plain white tshirt

>> No.8251897 [View]
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