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>> No.7657318 [View]
File: 109 KB, 642x284, cage5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both sides should calm the fuck down man. It's becoming ridiculous.

I am literally so done with reading sob-stories from each side.
"Booo my kid has autism!"
"Yaya Han was unfriendly to me, I am so upset!"
Really, y'all need a good cup of STFU.

It's reality TV we all know that its basically lying cheating crap but
a) this crap is hella entertaining if you're not involved
b) the ones who should take the blame are not necessarily the ones whose faces we see in it.

Yeah, many things sucked about HoC and maybe the people in it suck too. On the other hand, I was quite entertained and so were many people.

Attacking the cast members won't do shit. Crying to the high heavens cause people are too dumb to realize they got the wrong ones cornered won't help either.

Pissed off about the show? Write the goddamn producers or the convention whose contest they probably ruined.
Pissed off about people attacking you for being in the show?
Don't take part in a format like it - and now that shit already hit the fan, keep calm and stay the fuck away on the internet until the mindless crowd finds something else to bawl about but don't put fuel to the fire and yo momma into the discussion. Act like a fucking adult.

>> No.7109557 [View]
File: 109 KB, 642x284, cage5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, how dare people enjoy beautiful designs of different cultural origins, those racist swines?

>> No.6966866 [View]
File: 109 KB, 642x284, cage5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted everything concerning that matter a day later because I found it not to be worth the anger.
Contrary to what Anon said, she did not directly tell anyone to harrass me. She just posted her version of the story in which I, understandably, do play the bad guy. And of course some folks reacted to that and sent me some hatemail (which I deleted too, seriously, I was a loyal idiot too when I was 13).

All in all, after what happened, I was drowned in people asking me for commissions, so I can hardly complain about the matter.

I went back to ignoring Fahr completely, blocked her accounts and would have lived merrily ever after, if not for all the selfposting I found a bit funny and made some hinting tweets at (looted the archives for that comedy gold etc).

I do not know, WHO started to post her pic or remarks about her here, however. I posted some 'ur obvs lel' posts on Anon but whenever stuff showed up that could somehow concern her, one of her rabid fangirls or she herself kept assuming it was me- which is easy to assume but as this thread showed, hardly the truth.

It got absolutely scary for me, when someone made an account under her name and some countretroll kept writing under one of my nicks and even wrote my gfs real name on this board which is just... hella creepy.
The whole damn thing has been really childish and idiotic enough and I just want her to quit this shit but she seems to see me behind every bush and keeps dragging me into that bullshit drama.

End of kawaii little dramu story.

tl;dr stutid dramu everyone go hoem
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