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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8396575 [View]
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Just started to play the LL game
>Please don't let me fall in love and cause me to change my cosplay plans.

>> No.8384062 [View]
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Update! I went ahead and applied. No ragrets.
>Put in my application
>The manager is already super impressed that I filled out the entire application and submitted a resume (It's a hot topic.)
>Get a mini interview.
>Become friends with someone that works there within 5 minutes. We weeb out, talking about cosplay and AoT.
>Muh powerlevel is showing.
>A chick I went to hs with works here, is hyped that I applied. Can put a good word in.
>Oh god I may actually get this job, since this manager knows I'm competent.
>"Anon, even though we're taking applications now we don't start hiring until later in the month."
>It's the 6th.
>I gotta sit by the phone now for a month.
please oh please let me get this job. Idgaf if it's at a hot topic in the mall, I love it already.

>> No.8339412 [View]
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First Acen, I thought it was a solid 7/10.
>Impossible to get into any panels.
>Heard that a lot of the panels sucked/cringeworthy.
>Had to leave the masquerade for a Lara Croft/Last of Us/etc ps I couldn't find, I was pretty bummed.
>People at the Madoka PS were unfriendly.
>All of those homestuck photoshoots and panels, holy shit why.
>The smash tournament was 2 hours behind wtf
>It was hot and humid and those heated skywalks did not help.
>Very nice people, had a lot of pictures taken of me
>Dealer's room was amazing
>A lot of the cosplays were amazing to average, didn't see any truly bad ones.
>Compared to central Illinois, there were so many cute guys
>The Kpop dance battle was fuckin hype, even tho I got rekt
>accidentally started flirting with a slenderman
again, not bad 7/10

>> No.8226349 [View]
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>Normally go to Hobby Lobby for craft/sketching shit
>decide to go into the sewing department because I want to start making my own cosplays
>There ain't shit.
>Bite the bullet and go to Joann's for the first time.
>It's fuckin paradise
>It's clean and organized
>It has everything that I would ever want, including this fabric that's perfect for a cosplay.
>all of those fucking coupons
>I'm getting butterflies thinking about it

>> No.8010770 [View]
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I want this.

>> No.8006506 [View]
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Dude ... self control?

>> No.7939057 [View]
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Hi cuggles.
What are your (cgl related) obsessions?
Prints? An animu character? Some items or piece of clothing? Plushies? Weeby things? Even someone in your comm?

I'm obsessed to look like a kawaii animu character, I dress with clothes like in Final Fantasy or fantasy animus while not being too "out of control" and have some speshul snowflake hair. Also love Hello Kitty even though ti's "tacky"

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