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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10797362 [View]
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>"In an overabundance of caution, all attendees are required to wear an approved face covering"
>must provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or a negative COVID test
>Entirety of Vegas dropped their mask mandate including in government buildings.
>Mandalay Bay dropped the mask mandate when the city did, including for all employees.

I wish Black Hat would have hacked the fuck out of EVO but I guess that's too much to ask for.

>> No.10772006 [View]
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>I just realized there is no Miku Expo concert this year

>> No.10763876 [View]
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>There was never an actual shut down in the U.S. We had at best disruptions.
Congrats you outed yourself a jobless wellfare cunt because anyone who had any semblence of a job knows this was not true.
>We never tried for zero covid here.
What is Companies Firing and Laying off workers who wanted to exercise My Body My Choice for $500.
>The grocery store putting a little sign on the door...
Gee, guess I imagined all that "Breaking News" about people beating the shit out of each other on airplanes and "good citizens" stalking families with cameras for not masking their children in Walmart.
>Japan's numbers are no where near as bad as the U.S. death...
Welcome to weeb website fake nerd. Fun facts about Japan: Japan likes sakoku and they did it for 200 years. They are also renowned xenophobic, as they ruled that their constitution does not apply to foreigners, even those working or schooling in the country. They have opted to improving technology for robots to care for the elderly as their birthrate declines instead of importing ready and willing foreigners to do so. Pandemics makes for a great excuse to try sakoku 2.0 don't they.
>This is the illusion of psychotic individual agency I'm talking about...
Says the pot calling the kettle black.
>You can live in line with conscience.
Nice shitty borg ripoff you damn NPC.

>> No.10715219 [View]
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>the problem is with the ones who aren't vaccinated
>you retards keep wondering why we're in a pandemic when you're the ones making the covid numbers skyrocket

The problem is busybodies like yourselves. If it's as dangerous as you proclaim it to be then it's a self-correcting problem and the unvaxxed will die. Unfortunate to your claims, there aren't unvaccinated bodies piling up on the street - CDC's website shows that 95% of those 65 or older were vaccinated and 70% of covid deaths are those who are 65 years or older; people you expect to die.
You're mad, compliant little sheep bleating into the abyss because you didn't get a crumb of the freedom cookie you were promised by daddy government. There's no one but yourselves to blame for unquestioningly worshipping Fauci and "Trust the Science." You're on the same level as the MAGAtards worshipping Trump with their "Trust the Plan" shit.
The lot of you deserve each other.
Please kindly go back to the safety of your covid shelters. Feel free to Karen call the police on your unmasked neighbors to feel some purpose to your lives.
The rest of us will go back to cons with our vaxxed and unvaxxed friends because we're ready to bring focus back to our passions of craft, cosplay, and taking shots for every Nezuko and Ganyu we see.

>> No.10710150 [View]
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>greatest city on earth in the greatest state on earth

nice trolling bro

>> No.10689670 [View]
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Checked. Satan confirmed to curse this event.
Probably not. Sin City is established already as a con because it was formerly Sabakon, run at the same location as Sabakon in former years, and most likely kept it's vendor list.
This event you'd think there'd at least be pamphlets around town - especially Chinatown - to bring in more attendees for it's first year, but there hasn't been any advertising beyond online, though that is from my personal observation.
On a side note, anyone who's been in Vegas for a hot second knows that the strip is where Japanese themed events go to die.

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