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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7973446 [View]
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/cgl/ related

>Suffer from depression and anxiety.
>Go to therapy regularly.
>Be mega /fit/ because working out to combat depression.
>Stop therapy because meds are working and I feel great.
>Go to conventions and cosplay.
>Get nice confidence boost due to compliments, even though I can't do anything because I'm married.
>Do well for a few months.
>Con season ends.
>Post con depression.
>Meds stop working as well.
>Begin to have seasonal issues due to Winter weather.
>Suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and existential crisis bullshit happening again.
>Call to go back to therapy.
>"Sorry Anon, but because you didn't fill out a form back in March your insurance won't cover therapy".
>Call employer.
>Can't get therapy covered until upcoming March.
>Can't talk to anybody about issues.
>Feel like shit every day.
>Don't know what I am doing.
>Try working on cosplay because it's one of the few things I actually enjoy
>No motivation.
>No satisfaction.
>Panic attacks thinking about upcoming con deadlines.

At least alcohol is cheap.

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