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>> No.9536108 [View]
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Why is the trans/non-binary/gq/etc community that goes to cons so hard to get along with? I'm a heavily reformed former fundie who was really shitty to that community in particular a long time ago, and has tried my absolute best to show that I've changed my tune and want to support them and be inclusive, but holy shit, I'm like 1-6 on meeting people in these communities who I can tolerate at all. They tend to turn out to be incredibly judgmental themselves, get super pissed when you disagree with them on the littlest unrelated thing, or, in one particular example, feel they have a right to define and tell me how to fulfill *my* gender role (I guess because they figured I'm an easy person to kick down the masculinity ladder and boost themselves up?).

I'm trying to atone for being a shitty bigot for years, and yet every opportunity I get to try and make things right and feel like I've done my part to balance my karma, the people I get are just fucking awful people in general. I'm getting a negative reflex to meeting people like that at this point because of all these bad experiences and I *know* that's bad, so it just makes me feel worse.

Fuck, why can't they just accept my support?

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