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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7198166 [View]
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>armor boobies inside
Oh man, she'll really reel in the big $$$ now.
>mfw people are buying the book for faps, not because Kamui is actually contributing something that a quick google search can't answer

>> No.7129934 [View]
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That was awful! Is there any way we can send this to their parents so they can be shamed by their families for not only being awful failures of people who have to result to pony porn, but HORRIBLE pony porn 'actresses' to boot? Shit if you can't even make a slightly entertaining porno you are a distinct breed of failure.

>> No.6819119 [View]
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>being this mad when you're supposed to be 'grown up'

>> No.6790912 [View]
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Lol look how mad you are.
You're ridiculous.

>> No.6759001 [View]
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>A lolita must not show any sense of life.

Well considering the majority don't have lives, I'm sure this won't be a problem.

>> No.6653591 [View]
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Oh look, this bitch again. Actually read the thread hunnie, you look so silly with that smug, shit-eating fit you just had.

>> No.6616921 [View]
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>But I can sure as hell judge you personally.
Uh, no. You don't even know who that person is. Lol. And CVD and HD are not exclusive to obesity. Sorry.

>> No.6509476 [View]
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LOL. Did Cunt really just tell someone else to get off the internet? Hilarious!

>> No.6476357 [View]
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>all of the fuss and the dresses weren't even available
I lol'd! AP cares sooo much about its customers.

>> No.6449102 [View]
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Funny how you're only quoting me--wait...
>"We know you have a point but we don't want to make fools out of ourselves anymore even though we started it, please just go because you're "derailing" the thread, teehe <3"

Haha k bitches.

>> No.6419411 [View]
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>Flan getting called out for her shit
>is such a stubborn bitch that she won't even admit that what she said is fucking ignorant

HAHAHAHA. What a loser! Flan's a loser.
All I know is Flan wouldn't be fucking anywhere if she didn't get help. She just got lucky and it makes me laugh how she sits around and gloats like she built herself up from nothing when she fucking didn't. Hilarious.

>> No.6274282 [View]
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>implying the majority of lolitas look like sparkling princesses without their makeup, wigs, and fancy burrando
How did that feel to type that out knowing that if someone would take a picture of you right now you'd probably look like an ugly beast as well? Did your stomach sink with that hypocrisy?

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