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>> No.10872724 [View]
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I'm tired of socially retarded goobers being proud of their social retardation. I'm tired of incels and femcels being at war with each other over completely and utterly unnecessary sleights. I'm tired of people willfully burning bridges just because they think so little of both themselves and those around them that they think there's any kind of call for these pointless and absurd decisions.

I personally blame the majority of this on the notion that men absolutely are required to have casual sex, or they are inferior specimens to the species, and the resultant notion that all interactions with the opposite sex are just a long-term game meant to get them to have sex. Conversely, there is also this absolutely insufferable defensiveness from innumerable women at all social functions where any man talking to them for any reason and in any context is just trying to open them up to having sex later, which encourages an absolute glut of misinterpretations and gossip for people who are absolutely not deserving of these criticisms. Stop obsessing over this dumb bullshit. If two people are sexually interested in one another, it's very obvious through extremely basic body language. If you are talking about your favorite anime, that does not mean she's trying to fuck you, nor does that mean he's just figuring out exactly when to rape you. This kind of behavior was old back in 2012, and seeing it remain through into 2023 as we lean into 2024, I truly hope when you morons have finally ruined all of your irreplaceable bonds with friends who would love you forever that you eventually wake up and see how much of a waste of everybody's time it all was.

>> No.10818513 [View]
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It happens, and that much is an undeniable fact. The degree to which it's reported happening is violently overblown, however, and there is an unquestionable amount of bad faith actors and vendettas against individuals that will make them throw out accusatory statements and slander or just anything to generate victimhood for themselves to garner positive attention and hostile defensiveness from their surrounding clique. Several men I know have been accused of hooking up with people when they were underaged, only for it to be verifiable that they were of-age. Several women I know have been accused of groping people at conventions they never attended. Many high profile harassment cases have been shown to be pure smoke in my local community and resulted in lots of people being ostracized.

I personally wouldn't put too much stock in it if not for the fact that when the big R-word gets tossed around, you can ruin the future of someone who has never done anything wrong even if they outright prove they have never done anything wrong. If you have truly been a victim of actual sexual assault, please speak out and please be clear and please lay out what happened. If you are looking to turn heads to you out of pity because your friends are all off having a good time and you're isolated, please find another way to get this other than stirring this specific pot ever further.

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