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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10264926 [View]
File: 958 KB, 500x220, vtm-velvet volour-ugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically.

Cosplay used to be good before the internet. Yeah there were thot cosplayers before we even knew what they were. But you just interacted with them as normal human beings. There was no expectation that you have to orbit at a certain level to talk to anyone who so much as wears a push up bra.
Cosplay has always been a female centric hobby, so incels saying women are ruining cosplay is hyperbole. But what's actually happened is the wrong kind of women have become the most popular cosplayers and have negatively damaged the image and spirit of cosplay so they can chase money, validation and fame.

Feel free to sage, discord trannies.

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