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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10849578 [View]
File: 4 KB, 160x120, 627E9C5E-8293-4FB6-AE0D-7B5D66FD2D69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly gonna be the weekend of the 22-24th, which is fucking stupid. Again rumor has it that the hotel is giving them that week because they don’t want as big of a crowd as they had this year and that this is their last year on the contract with Holmat and they don’t want to renew. All rumors and hearsay though, wouldn’t be surprised if it turned up true however.

>> No.10815437 [View]
File: 4 KB, 160x120, 12F51CC0-7166-4CA3-9D76-7B84D1FDD5AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me going to AWA 2019
>Rooming with buddy, his obnoxious gf who always goes super flavor of the month SJW plus blames being a bitch to people on “muh autism” and their “trans” friend who despite being a “boy” only does girl cosplays, presents daily as girl and pushes their tits up with everything they wear (nothing against trans people but really?)
>Have motorcycle but no car so I decided to PAY my buddy to take my medium sized suitcase, duffel bag w spare Normie clothes and 3D printed helmet. My buddy drives a Toyota Highlander too so plenty of space for 4 peoples reasonable luggage
>We’re caravanning bc my bike doesn’t have nav so I’ll follow them, plan is to make a pit stop to pick up fakeboi on the way
>Get to fakebois house and it turns out they have like 4 large suitcases and a MASSIVE dress that has to stay on a mannequin because they didn’t finish it but planned to do so in the room
>Can practically see the gears start turning in fakebois head on who to blame for this “can’t blame guy driving me, can’t blame autistic female, guess I’ll blame guy who I don’t know”
>Proceeds to blame me for taking up space when “I’m not even riding with them”
>I fire back with “I’m paying for my small space, why do you need all that stuff” and get real snarky about it
>fakeboi fires up the crocodile tears about how they’re having a “panic attack” and how I’m being a “rude and unreasonable dick” and that they’re autistic
>Buddy sees me about to pop off so he and his gf come up with a compromise where she’d put the food bags under her legs so fakeboi can put one of their suitcases there.
>Things seem to mellow out after that, everyone apologizes and we hit the road
>On the Highway some dumbfuck almost merges into me, I have to pin the throttle to haul ass out of the way, pass my buddy’s car in the commotion but slow back down so he can lead the way


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