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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9257460 [View]
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 1398983523471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw watching people in the AANI actually liking and defending Rob Liefeld's horrible anatomical work.

>> No.7816494 [View]
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 1398983523471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my dad was the only one of his siblings to even graduate high school(and his mother couldn't even be bothered to go to his graduation)
>he swore no matter what all of his kids would graduate high school
>We all did, even my dead beat brother managed to graduate even though he had to go through a program to do it, but he did.

Even if you can't finish through the regular high school program, you need to at least try to get the equivalent.

>> No.7531472 [View]
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 1285248539234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plan to do big group cosplay with friends.
>everyone's super hyped about it oh man oh my god we're gonna be legit as fuck we have everyone!
>month before the con. everyone flakes out for various understandable or bullshit reasons. some people just straight up forgot and planned a whole slew of other shit.
>say fuck it and wear my shit anyway.
>6 months or a year later. same friends: "omg anon, we're gonna do a same-damn-series-we-were-supposed-to-do-before group did you want to join us since you already have the costume?"
>repeat scenario 2-4x if necessary.

>find new series. obsess over it a lot and really want to cosplay from it!
>"guys you have to watch this, it's great you guys are gonna love it!"
>"idk anon i've heard weird things about it." "idk anon i don't like the main character" "idk anon reason something reason."
>"guys just watch like the first 3 episodes, if you don't like it after that it's fine."
>"no anon, im pretty sure we'll hate it."
>say fuck it and make a cosplay for it anyway.
>6-8 months later: "omg anon this show is so great!" "omg it's so good i'm so obsessed with it!" "omg anon i have so many feels about this show omg hold me."
>"anon we're gonna do a group cosplay of this since we're all rabidly obsessed with it now! you should join us!"
>repeat scenario an infinite amount of times.

I dunno, as nice as it's been to say "I told you guys you might like it," it's also been kinda frustrating.

>> No.7082654 [View]
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 1285248539234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reblog photoset art of big bulky dudes and teeny chicks. nothing sexual going on at all, general fluff. most of the "dudes" are cyborg/robot looking anyway.
>unnecessary comment at the bottom of it mentions that they like "suggested romances" between things like this.
>brush it off because nbd its tumblr.
>significant other tells me through messenger about the photoset, and that she doesn't think its ever cute/charming seeing bigger dudes with young looking chicks because it reminds them of pedos.
>give neutral response because what else do i say?
>follows up that he reads a lot of crime cases with this scenario and seeing romance included in with the set bothered them.
>give another neutral response, but now im annoyed because she knows i like the aesthetic, and the damn set wasn't even sexual wtf?
>try not to engage in conversation until i cool off, but S.O. keeps wanting to know what's wrong.
>finally unload and explain why im a little annoyed.
>S.O. goes into this tangent of saying she thought it was harmless until she saw the comment, and then thought about the set different, and she's training to become a cop, so now she has to look at things like this critically.
>it's a fucking photoset on tumblr with some idiot teen's comment on it, what is there to be suspicious of?
>proceed to have really stupid argument that i knew would happen and was trying to avoid.
>S.O. saying things like "ill try not to say opinions about art to you again" and "my opinions always upset you" "you may not/might not understand where im coming from/see my perspective" but eventually gives up because "nothing i say seems to be able to justify my opinion."
>S.O. repeatedly trying to tell me she needs to go to bed after each time I reply. Eventually signs off in a huff.
>Mfw what the fuck just happened.
>Mfw how did I go from being the one that's annoyed to you being the one that's annoyed.

I'm not even mad anymore, I'm just really confused.

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