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>> No.8052796 [View]
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>been going to same con for 8 years, always spent it with cool friends
>none of them talk to me anymore
>first friend got pregnant at 17, dropped out of HS and barely has money to pay for kid, no con money. Only talks/thinks about her son, everything must include her son, has massive posts on FB about how she 'hates the child free'
>Second friend and I went hard and deep into friendship, inseparable into jstuff.
>she got a new job and started freaking out about being seen with me in public
>had a major blowup because I took a picture of her in jfashion. Said I wa sgoing to blackmail her with it and turn all her coworkers against her.Put me down for not having a car at 20 and cut ties
>she's now engaged and just works and drinks
>third friend was made in college
>spent first con with her last year
>she was a major downer, didn't want to do anything but drink and smoke weed
>Came to jfash meetup and sat around and complained it was boring so i splerged out and left, didn't enjoy con
>we both graduate college, both start applying for jobs
>I get a few shitty offers I pass up (too far away, not enough cash to move out on my own)
>she tells me all she wants to do is stay home and smoke pot
>I get a good job, she gets jealous and tells me that I'm always making her feel bad about her job and that I don't deserve to be making more than her
>mfw she's a BFA and I have my B.S. in engineering

not looking forward to the one con I go to anymore. I'm only 22. why did my friends turn so shit.

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