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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9049611 [View]
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Fuck I just need to vent.
>make friends with this one girl a few years back, these days we're pretty tight
>we talk pretty much daily and enjoy each others company a lot so everything is pretty good
>her ex hates me
>ex apparently thinks that there's something going on between me and friend and thus constantly rags on friend for spending time with me because it's "unfair" to her
>so whenever my existence is aknowledged in the presence of their friend circle my friend has to deal with all the bullshit that comes from her ex

>recently hang out with friend at con, cosplaying together
>ex finds out and is visibly furious
>proceeds to constantly walk past us with her posse and glare as hard as possible but never actually say anything
>friend is rooming with said ex and posse, which means that whenever she actually has to interact with them it's the same "you need to pay more attention to me and stop hanging out with anon because it upsets me"
>the whole group pretty much ostracizes friend while simulateously complaining how she doesn't spend enough time with them
>so the con is pretty much watching her try to decide between dealing with her friends bullshit or stop hanging out with me
>rinse and repeat at every con we go to
I could care less if someone doesn't like me and especially in a case where the feeling is mutual, but goddamn what's up with the need to police who your friend hangs out with and giving them hell for it when they don't want to break off a friendship just 'cause their ex is insecure of everyone that talks with them. I've kept my mouth shut about this to everyone except said friend because I know that if I did anything it'd only come back to bite her in the ass but fuck I don't have the patience to deal with this level of bullshit. Whatever happened to the golden rule of just ignoring the friends of your friends that you dislike.

>> No.6654260 [View]
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>> No.6511914 [View]
File: 266 KB, 818x365, 1348993126413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even longer
>even more uncomfortable
>even costs more
I'd rather kill myself then take a Megabus

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