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>> No.9861842 [View]
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>tfw will never be Voldie's girlfriend

>> No.9857496 [View]
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>at my local con
>lot of lolitas, maybe there where a meet up between them
>It's a nice time to talk with them since I would like to join a com when I would have more time.
>all of them are mostly brolita/ transwoman in lolita, maybe it's due to the huge amount of lgbt peoples in my city. The only lolita women where like really young " baby lolita" probably first timer .
>talk with one of the "brolita" ask them if the comm is great
>they try to say the mentality changed in a good way
>" ah, there is not more "ita" stuff ?"
>meant the " hi hi hi, look she is so much of an ita, let's shit talker in her back and sucking her dick when we see her irl " mentality
> see that I triggered him because I doesn't know how to express myself like a human being
>keep seeing dudes having brand, nice ott coord but without makeup and walking like gorilla
>look like middle age truck drivers in lolita

maybe I'm not going to join a com after all.

>> No.9827515 [View]
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>finally find the lolita lesbian gf of my dreams
>we both love the same brands and styles
>she is perfect
>we date for several months
>me and her start growing distant because of school, work, and my health issues
>decide to take a break so that we can kind of start fresh once everything has settled down
>find out that she's already dating someone else and doesn't love me anymore, one month later despite promising to get back together with me and i promised the same
>back to tfw no lolita gf
I've been talking to new people to maybe get my mind off of it and 'move on', yet I feel really guilty. I feel like I can't trust girls anymore in relationships, this always happens. At least the men I've dated are total incels who don't know how to talk to girls so they won't run off with someone else so quickly..
My mindset right now is just that if she's abandoned me, I might as well start seeing new people already... which I am already back on the dating scene. I don't think my feelings towards her have changed but I feel like I should just hate her for the lies she told me about "I'll wait for you forever, I love you so much!" There's no point in being sad over it, but I hate being alone and single. By next week I'll have a rebound relationship.
>why am i like this

>> No.9826579 [View]
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>heart thump at being called "sweetie" even while being rejected
I'm a girl, I can even p-prove it for you...

>> No.9787332 [View]
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I've only browsed for meta on lolibrary so far. Do they consistently bring out stuff with more forgiving shirring? I could probably get as low as 77~78cm at the waist if I lose a few more kg, but my huge ribcage is always in the way. I basically can't wear dresses that don't stretch to 82cm at the waist.

>> No.9785977 [View]
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There's something wrong with me. Whenever a manga I love gets an anime, I get bitter about it because I know it'll become a "flavor of the month" anime. Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card, Yurucamp, etc. I've loved CCS since I was 11 and I read Yurucamp a million times when the first chapter came out. I should be happy to see them flourish and get popular (again, in CCS's case), but I feel my mind is being invaded by these grubby selfish "yer not a real fan" emotions. I never ride the waves of popularity -- I really, truly love them and I hate that others will only ride the hype train. I shouldn't waste my energy on this, but GODDAMN does it make me sour.

>> No.9781694 [View]
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I'm thinking that a red cardigan would make the dress look a little more mature but the reds are more of a wine color and not the bright red I happen to have. How important is matching the colors exactly?

>> No.9771554 [View]
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>see cheap item from US or canadian seller
>shipping is as expensive/more expensive than the item
>seller keeps relisting without any interested buyers
>tfw you woould like to buy it

Why to sellers keep telling me that this small accessory is 30 bucks shipped when I had bigger items shipped for 15 dollaroos from the same fucking country. Why do you not have stable shipping fees

>> No.9763293 [View]
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It could've been my best deal, really. It was a small auction on the now-deserted mbok with a whole bunch of other AP jewelry for 6,500 yen and the Honey Bear necklace was just hiding in the pile. The necklace alone goes for much more than that.

>> No.9731483 [View]
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I've been crying basically all morning so that's how my Christmas is going. Hope you all are faring better.

>> No.9688258 [View]
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How do you all deal with after-japan depression? Like, coming back and missing it so much already, but you don't know when you'll be able to come back.

>> No.9628590 [View]
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Something that really irks me is the dress code in my company and my field.
I'm working in an office with no official dress code aside from "clean and work-appropiate" (so baiscally don't come to work in a bathrobe or hot pants). So essentially all of my co-workers wear clothes they would wear in their free-time as well. But of course this doesn't include alt-fash (even if it's technically not forbidden). So while everyone goes full-out with their normal fashion I'm feeling like wearing a uniform while dressing in normal business clothes. I hate how everyone already accepted me as a very elegant and business-like person (even worse, my boyfriend once complimented my most-business like look and I was shocked, he should know better) while my true style is very frilly, pink and kitschy.
If I started wearing more cute stuff they would probably wonder what's gotten into me.

>> No.9626410 [View]
File: 45 KB, 410x391, LolitaShinjiSad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of being a fatass, I can't fit into a 2L Bodyline dress that just arrived today. I'll keep on losing weight but maannnn...

>> No.9623649 [View]
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>> No.9580544 [View]
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>get dress I've been looking for for a while
>Way too big
>Not even alterable
I thought I could make it work with the corset lacing, but no

>> No.9569954 [View]
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>4 y/o iPhone broke today, no money to replace it
>Filling out applications
>Get to "References"
>All my references' phone numbers are on my phone
>All applications say they'll call me to tell me to come in for an interview

Guess I'll have to make do with a 2005 flip phone for a while...

>> No.9501033 [View]
File: 45 KB, 410x391, heleeelelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purging closet of old weeb/ita clothes
>older sister always goes through the things i throw out
>mfw she claims all of the godawful milanoo-tier things i got when i was entirely new to lolita
>protest a little, say that i was just planning on donating it or throwing it out
>"all of this is so cute! why would you get rid of it??"
>mfw i accidentally made my sister an ita

she already thinks i'm a brandwhore and she's really defensive about things, so if i tried to explain that what she's taking is of extremely poor quality she would probably get mad... what have i done... just let her be happy i guess

>> No.9487128 [View]
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I though it was just an ugly girl... I was wrong... I was so wrong...

>> No.9464595 [View]
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w h y

>> No.9454960 [View]
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>be shutin lonelita with online lolita acquaintances
>only get to chat with them periodically because they're usually offline or busy
>our only connection is clothing and that's basically all we talk about
>SO is long distance and at work for 10+ hours
>alone all day most days
>try to reach out to people in the friend finder threads
>always ignored or ghosted
>try to make friends with other people online
>they either stop responding because they realize they won't get my nudes or because we share no interests
>spend my freetime crying and window shopping

sometimes i think i want to die but then i wouldn't be able to wear all the things i want to wear

>> No.9438427 [View]
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>tfw denied entry to lolita sales English
I don't even know why, do you have to have public posts about lolita?

>> No.9421983 [View]
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>Want a lolita friend to be cute with
>Be awkward and shy as hell

There are comm in my city but I become uncomfortable in big groups and have skipped past meets. Maybe someday I find someone...

>> No.9410861 [View]
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>literally nothing in this outfit matches

>> No.9381284 [View]
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