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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10284654 [DELETED]  [View]

Yes I do know. Did you know that because of bad weather Nagasaki got nuked instead of Kokura?

>> No.10284648 [View]


Fuckin zoomers I swear

>> No.10284641 [View]

I dunno anon these pics look like they were taken in the 50s. Are they even alive?

>> No.10284625 [DELETED]  [View]


Pick one

>> No.9894917 [View]


Op can go to any tea party she wishes regardless of how long she has been a lolita so long as she knows the basic etiquette.

>t. Soup’s lolita veteran gf who’s more knowledgeable than fake soup’s gf

I’ll see you in 2 days kid

>> No.9884044 [View]
File: 3.95 MB, 2208x1242, BC7BC82E-2C37-48A8-981A-99BE1F741EFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found his while looking for a place that’s open late to grab some food with my gf.

>> No.9789453 [View]

What kind of filters are they using? They should really find a decent photog to take their photos for them. These pics look so old like it's from the 90s

>> No.9789446 [View]

if we both were to enter the worst cosplay of the entire known universe at an anime convention I would win because I would cosplay as your mom idiot.

if we both were to enter a spelling bee at a spelling bee convention I would win because your mom is one of the judges and she likes me more than you so she gave me the questions ahead of time. I studied all of the words and when it was time for the competition your mom shouted my name and cheered for me and it made you sad so you choked and I won by default dumbass.

>> No.9788727 [View]

Can you tailor my suit for free?

>> No.9788723 [View]

I think we need more people like Jnig to get cosplay more known. That way all those people will trickle down to my page.

>> No.9788721 [View]

I'm more velvet than you'll ever be sausagegirl

>> No.9788720 [View]

didn't read most of the replies, but LARPing is indeed a very dangerous hobby. I don't know how most people here do their LARPing, but in my community we LARP for a week straight sometimes. Have you ever engage in the act of LARPing for so long that it starts to feel very realistic? Funny story I met my current gf while we were engage in one of these one week LARP sesh. She was the maiden of the town's governor and the town was taken over by another party who flew the banner of the red dandelion. Anyways my own LARPing party happened to stumble onto this town during the week and we had a grand LARP battle. I got hit in the legs while trying to save my gf during the battle

>> No.9788715 [DELETED]  [View]

I think all the soyboys and non hetero cosplayers are killing this community. They all act so flamboyant and fabulous that that it distracts con goers from my gf and I in our couples cosplay. Like we put a lot of time and effort into finding the right cosplay and spend tons of money on them just to have some soysucker in a shitty homemade maid outfit steal out thunder. They also attract unwanted attention from Christians. Cosplay and anime would be better received in god's eyes if it weren't for these cancers.

>> No.9788712 [View]

I can't be because your mom browses this website and because of that I'm not the stupidest person on this website idiot.
We plan on sneaking liquor on the ship but I don't know bout cigarillos since we vape. We're going to hide a couple of bottles in our JSKs (Jumperskirts).

>> No.9784167 [View]

Well not villages opps but like cities with gothic looking churches and shit.

>> No.9784164 [View]

I appreciate it and all, but can you stop it please? People don't take my questions seriously when you reply to me with your fishy pics.

Are you saying it's not? I don't understand your response

>> No.9784137 [View]

Unlike most seagulls who constraint themselves as hapa. I'm a 100% seagull through and through which means I have many hobbies. We want to both cosplay and dress up in lolita while on our cruise. We were thinking cosplay during sea days around the pool and such. We'll pull out our JSKs while fine dining and when we're in a gothic Mexican village. Although I like both hobbies, I can't wait to go to a fancy dinner in our coords. People are going to wonder if we're royalty from some EU country xD

>> No.9784124 [View]

I would just buy art if you really wanna buy something. Maybe some mangos but figs are really overpriced and you should just get it online.

>> No.9784121 [View]

I wear my sasuke wig pretty much all the time. My gf has her hair dyed pink so she doesn't need a wig. She really weeby and it annoys me sometimes with her "Kyaaa!!!" and other Japanese phrases. Don't let her know but deep down I think it's really kawaii, but I don't tell her that for obvious reasons

>> No.9784117 [View]

My gf and I are planing on a cruise soon and I was wondering if LARPING would be allowed on board the ship. We are active LARPers in our community and thought it would be cool to do it on the cruise (we want to keep practicing our LARPing skills even on vacation so that we don't get rusty). I was wondering how dangerous it would be though on a ship that wobbles back and forth. Like regular LARPing is pretty dangerous already on ground but on a ship?? I might crack my head... that'll be a cool story to bring back with us though to tell all our LARPer bros haha. We won't be bringing any of our usual gears though but we got some sick summer themed LARP gears designed (think pool noodles). Anywho any tips on LARPing on a ship?

>> No.9784104 [View]

Wait...fuck I bought my gf something similar before.

>> No.9784096 [View]

My gf and I are going on a cruise soon and we plan on bringing our coords on board. Has anyone ever been on a cruise in their coords? I been looking online but can't seem to find the right coor that would fit the cruise/Mexican theme that we were looking for. We still have a few weeks to come up with the perfect coord so I'm not too worry. I wonder what the policy is on bringing coffins on the cruise. It would relly suck if they took ours away so I dunno if we wanna bring ours. Hopefully all of our jsk (jumperskirts for those of you that are first time seagulls) will fit in our suitcases.

>> No.9784084 [View]

Oh I think I have another dumb question that someone here can help with. Well since a lot of seagulls ended up becoming pretty famous outside the 4chan bubble, I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips to help my gf become famous as well. She has the looks down, but she doesn't know how / never made a cosplay before. Is it alright for me to buy a custom made cosplay from someone and have my gf play it off like she made it?

>> No.9784081 [View]

We'll take the chance of being laugh at since we dgaf!! Anyways looks like we decided on asuka and shinji but only Mexican version of them. We'll be decked out in full spandex with some sombreros and ponchos XD We're trying to get some sun time in to get the skin color right but if that doesn't work out does anyone know if they have sunscreen that changes your skin tone too?

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