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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10946226 No.10946226 [Reply] [Original]

The picture I posted, in my opinion she is very pretty, this cosplay she did is nearly perfect:

This same person also posted how she looked like when she was 15 and compared to now.

She was kinda ugly before, now she is pretty.

Can we assume anyone can do it, as long as your BMI is low?

>> No.10946249

Seems like way better skincare and editing to me, huge props to them.

>> No.10946286

It just takes the discipline for fork putdowns, learning your angles, and a few thousand dollars of subtle cosmetic surgery

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10946177 No.10946177 [Reply] [Original]

Do you usually cosplay for all days during cons, or do you keep one day without any cosplay/cosplay only for a single day ?

>> No.10946217

One day only and only if im attending 2days or more

>> No.10946236

i cosplay friday and saturday but keep it casual sunday to shop the artist alley and also im usually hungover

>> No.10946505
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>Costume before it starts
>Costume after it ends
>Likely costume while I'm asleep
That's the norm. If I'm not in costume at any point, it means I well and truly feel like shit

>> No.10946617

Always on Fri and Sat, typically only one cos for each and all day. Sometimes Thursday depending on if there's some Day 0 stuff or badge pick-up that evening, and if I have time before traveling or in the room to change. Sunday is a toss-up depending on when I'm leaving, I'll save a really easy or casual cos for it if I decide I am. Cosplaying is one of my favorite parts of a con and I'll be one foot in the grave before I stop.

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10946174 No.10946174 [Reply] [Original]

Dates: January 24-26, 2025
Venue: Eagle Crest Resort
City: Ypsilanti, MI
Guests: Anairis Quiñones, PAiDA, AJ Beckles, TC Carson, Jon St. John

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>> No.10946238

Dad con.

>> No.10946243

Uhhhhhh.... what's the plan negros?

>> No.10946287

That was fun yall. Post con depression is hitting me hard even though I was only there for a day.

>> No.10946499
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alright which one of you fags did this?
When I was there at the con they were making announcements every 30 minutes about this blue ford fusion

>> No.10946512 [DELETED] 

Is that niggy still going to cons? What even cosplay is he doing these days that he isn't instantly spotted? Everyone I know that's interacted with him in the midwest group says he owes them some amount of cash...

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10946099 No.10946099 [Reply] [Original]

Agent of Chaos (me as Nurse Joker)

>> No.10946100
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>> No.10946101
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10946093 No.10946093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this image awakened something in the mind of the pearl clutchers. like they don know everyone's brain is literally wired to be attracted to youth, they could not stop seething

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>> No.10946199

She has the face and proportions of an adult woman, she's just short and titless. No one would ever mistake this for a child. Everyone in this thread is stupid.

>> No.10946211

What happened to you in life that upon seeing a small adult, you immediately think about fucking children?

>> No.10946212

that's because you are dumb/larping, there were literal jb and cp threads on /b/ at that time

>> No.10946213
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Yeah and She's a great fap fuel

>> No.10946469

Didn't she get bullied off the net? If so that makes me so sad. There's something sexy about petite women, being a tall guy the power dynamic knowing my hand wraps around the throat of someone so small and delicate. It invokes a caveman protector instinct in me wanting to protect such beautiful women from threats.

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10945995 No.10945995 [Reply] [Original]

Time to kick off the first month of the year with a AX thread, About time to!!

Anime Expo 2025 Masquerade Application:

Get Involved!!:

General Registration for Anime Expo 2025 starts January 28, 2025 at 12PM PT

Hotel Block opens up January 28th at 12 PM and 1 PM PT!!!

ITT: We discuss
Cosplay plans?
Attending all day or one?
Past AX Venting?
Other News as they appear

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>> No.10946786

Sorry, but I'm not seeing where the orgy is happening. Which thread is it?

>> No.10946787 [DELETED] 


>> No.10946795

I have a budget of $15,000, is that enough for AE 2024?

>> No.10946798

I have been practicing with burro and gato for sexe at teh convension.

>> No.10946799

a little too much

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10945944 No.10945944 [Reply] [Original]

Sexy cosplay

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10945890 No.10945890 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Lolita coords with grey

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>> No.10946493
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>> No.10946592
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>> No.10946594
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>> No.10946595
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>> No.10946596
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10945821 No.10945821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which is your favorite photoshoot?

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>> No.10946658

what do you find unappealing about this woman, exactly?

>> No.10946659

being a botched plastic surgery whore? that this is just another coombait thread instead of anything that's actually about cosplaying or lolita?

>> No.10946660

Oh so you are a woman. Well that explains it.

>> No.10946661
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>> No.10946666

most of us on cgl are, moid. can't you post this shit to /s/? we have multiple boards to post stuff like this, why do you have to do it here? a wig and lingerie isn't cosplay

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10945816 No.10945816 [Reply] [Original]

im thinking futaba from persona

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>> No.10946223

Do you mind doing revealing cosplays or nah?

>> No.10946321

Do blue dress nami so I can cum to it
Whats your discord I want to give you tribs

>> No.10946610

Are you a transsexual with fake tits?

>> No.10946614
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simping way too hard, fags

>> No.10946740

*rizzalicious voice* I can make it sizzle...

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10945809 No.10945809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


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10945793 No.10945793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

dad stuff is disgusting

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10945784 No.10945784 [Reply] [Original]

Cosplayers were a big part of TikTok's rise in popularity, and the app introduced a lot of people to cosplaying. The format was perfect for using audios to create memes or short skits based on the characters they cosplayed.

Now that TikTok's gone, how do you think this will impact the communities that grew around it? Are we all just going to migrate to RedNote, IG, or something else?

I have mixed feelings about RedNote since they have their own issues with censorship. Also IG Reels just doesn't have the same quality algorithm as TikTok.

>> No.10945791

That shit will be back in a week.

>> No.10945819

wasnt even gone for a whole day lmao

>> No.10946012

TikTok only became popular because people had more free time during Covid lockdown. The drama has kept it alive for a couple of years, but it will inevitably fall out of favor as people move on to the next new social media app like they always do.

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10945777 No.10945777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can you run roblox on modern linux? is it real that it breaks?

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10945765 No.10945765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i just found out that some Ethot cosplayed Marsey, the R/drama cat. Im not sure though if it was a commission or her initiative. Anyone knows who is this? Or her socials

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10945721 No.10945721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10945722


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10945693 No.10945693 [Reply] [Original]

Will you outgrow /cgl/, cosplay, and conventions?

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>> No.10946725

>Will you outgrow /cgl/, cosplay, and conventions?
I feel like I'll still end up at conventions in the years ahead just because most of my buddies still do cons (most of them are 30+), plus sometimes an interesting guest pulls up that I want to see. But I'm definitely finding myself doing cons way less these days, mainly because I don't like how dealer rooms have become the star attraction at a lot of cons these days. Also a bunch of the major cons in my area closed over the past few years, I even remember an anon saying how they're quitting cons in general because they saw those cons closing as a good stopping point.

>OP image
I definitely noticed last year that the board is more dead than before, guess this confirms it. My guess is that the move now is to just go into the discords of whatever cons you're interested in attending, which I'd expect to suck since you won't be able to say anything bad about whatever convention the server is about.

>All the people in their 30s are few
You only think this because millennials tend to look younger than they actually are, especially if they're nerds. My personal guess based on interacting with con goers is that these days the average age of an attendee is probably somewhere in the late 20's.

/pol/ shit, but also people moving to R*ddit for weeb discussions was still going on because it was considered less bad (which is wild to think about considering what reputation it has these days).

>4chan's reputation going down the toilet drove a lot of people away
When was this magical time when 4chan was good?

>> No.10946730

>When was this magical time when 4chan was good?
Never really, but it's worse than it was, and it's gone from "that place full of weirdoes and perverts" to "isn't that a nazi site?" in the minds of normies.

>> No.10946734

It's one of the few websites you can't openly mention because the casual internet person has only ever heard of it being that evil nazi doxing site

I doubt classic 4chan garnered the same level of vitriol

>> No.10946736
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Yes, the internet hate machine cp hub never raised any eyebrows in its "glory days". I've heard this hacker once had over 9000 penises and they were ALL raping children

>> No.10946756

>When was this magical time when 4chan was good?
06-09 absolute golden era
later half of 09-12 fun shitpost era
13-16 last of the good times rolling

4chan was kinda seen as that goofy site your parents didn't want you going on and the media had no idea how to handle this internet culture kids were so into. At the time everyone knew 4chan as the meme place that cranked out porn and memes. Pol was there in the later years but you could basically cheer for republicans and democrats RON PAUL! without flak from any other people or sites.

It was ~weird~ but due to how the subculture was sectioned at the time you didn't get much any bad vibes from girls or guys.

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10945663 No.10945663 [Reply] [Original]

Riddle me this, Riddle me that - My riddler Cosplay From Batman

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>> No.10945888

its cool anon, i don't like capeshit but i can tell you put effort into it, but also dont shit up the board with pics of yourself

>> No.10946050

Really cool, did you sew all of that on yourself?

>> No.10946097

Thanks, no , the question marks are stickers that I printed and CUT. The suit I bought for My loid forger cosplay!

>> No.10946098

Thanks, but I don't get What you Mean about "shit UP the board", there's nothing in the board rules that says you can't post original content :)

>> No.10946113

Which Onceler AU is this?

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10945605 No.10945605 [Reply] [Original]

What cosplays are you hoping to see at Touhou Fest this year?

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>> No.10945961

twitter/bluesky drama
Shit that's been bubbling in the background for a while has boiled over since people have a new platform to vent on. It's really not worth discussing because how lame it is, just go and have fun.

>> No.10945979

This, mountains out of anthills. Its some of the most nothing con drama i've seen in ages.

>> No.10945984

guess even anons arent immune to retard drama if they bring it here. thanks for clarifying

>> No.10946234
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What happened to the booth selling doujins from the first Touhoufest? I didn't see them this past one. I seem to recall an Anon mentioning they were a part of that or something. Did they not get allowed back for selling hentai?

>> No.10946663

Why are idiots complaining about guest cosplayers at series specific con? I couldnt care for any of them one bit but isnt it just guest filler for basically no real cost or effort to the con? Or is it like people just salty they're not the ones featured? Its all so stupid to worry over.

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10945590 No.10945590 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible to bring back otakuism to the aussie anime community?

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>> No.10946009

I’ve been looking into it recently and the hardest part is venues, everything is pretty expensive at least in my area renting out a venue would be about 3k per day for the cheaper options and making back that money would be pretty hard especially for a niche or 18+ event. an outdoor event wouldn’t work for nsfw content but could be a cheaper alternative to indoor events but I believe you need council approval. Pretty much all the cheap options wouldn’t be suitable for nsfw. I totally understand why Aussie events are the way they are but I’m just so jealous of asias events.

>> No.10946011

probably would need to try get a sponsor and advertise heavily to get something like that to work and finding a venue would be hard for something like that. theres probably a place thatll do it, and probably cheaper venues out there (id hope)

probably worth looking into, im willing to try pool a bit of money to fund something like this

>> No.10946039

I'm someone else that has looked into this and it is super-hard to reach the audience you're looking for. Around 10 years ago, I don't know if they're still around, but there was a group that hosted super-small and niche conventions centered around various sci-fi franchises. You wouldn't even know they were happening unless you knew someone that knew about it. For some reason though, they were able to get really good actors to come along for these small like 100ish people events. They would usually host them in University halls and stuff, so they might have been subsidised by a uni group perhaps (not sure though, the lady running it was an old lady; very nice woman).

In the meantime, I run anime music events/anikura in Sydney that have a decent turnout for what they are. I usually post in /jp/, but I've been lurking in this part of the site recently for the drama in the aus/idol threads. If you're in Sydney and want to help build otaku culture, come along to those!

I honestly think that doing something where you have skills and slowly gathering more and more people is the secret to success, rather than aiming for a convention as your first thing. Like, if you guys like drawing doujins, maybe just start meeting somewhere to trade books and slowly build it up to where you can all lay down a few hundred for a PCYC hall etc.

>> No.10946046

This is what you get for being left leaning you silly Koala-hugger.

>> No.10946082

The idol scene in sydney is pretty impressive, id like to attend an event over there at some point, the only times the melb idol events have been good is when its 90% sydney idols. a general otaku event with doujin artists and idols would be pretty cool. id like to host art meets but the few irl friends i have dont make anything. i have no idea how to find local people that are interested in otaku culture. maybe im better off moving to sydney kek