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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7317332 [View]

Here's the post on it!

>> No.7317327 [View]
File: 285 KB, 627x768, roomandstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel weird for liking it when others post their rooms. Here's my clusterfuck of one. I'm missing my nendos and about 95% of my manga collection since they are at my boyfriends. When it comes to merch and my room I'm a huge weeb.

I really like your room! It's super cute!

>> No.7317283 [View]
File: 313 KB, 1280x853, 1390289430930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let the storm rage on
OP I love you.

I saw this on tumblr and wanted to share. I really like how she did her shoes as I haven't seen a lot of good ones.

>> No.7307675 [View]

Ohmigosh you are the first person I've seen get the hair right. You are super awesome.

>tfw want to cosplay ed
>tfw pale as all hell

>> No.7303118 [View]
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15. Crowded. There is always ways to get away from the crowd and the crowded ones are usually the bigger cons which are a lot of fun.

16. Find one decent photo! I already find barely any photos and they are all unflattering.

17. Eating. Though the sneezing photo would probably be pretty funny.

18. PETS! I'm allergic to cats but I'd take them over a billion screaming children. Plus I love puppies. I just love all animals.

19. Gimmie datass. I have no tits already but got some junk in the trunk. What I can relate to more I suppose haha.

20. Bad, it's all about having fun.

21. Ohgodwhy. Probably Brony. I hate bronies but I have been a mlp fan since I was three. At least that way I could maybe find some G1 ponies to bring home.

22. Rude con staff. I don't want to waste my con stuck in a boring pannel tbh.

23. Pay for my friends. They really deserve it and I'd rather see them have an amazing con then go and be meh by myself.

>> No.7303115 [View]

1. Tumblrtards. I don't think I could stand the screeching of how kawaii the yaois is.

2. Great variety. Someone elses costume isn't going to ruin my con. Sure it's a lot of fun to see awesome costumes but its boring to see the same thing 100 times.

3. Bad props. Some characters don't even have props but a bad wig can make a good cosplay look horrible.

4. Shoes. Makeup is waaay more important.

5. Star in a photo album! Videos are fun but photos are a better way to show off your costume.

6. Great cosplay. If you have an awesome costume I think thats better than half assing for attention.

7. I don't know anything about Lollita so I guess cosplay?

8. Loathe. That way can at least appreciate how well done the costume is.

9. Great con! Way more worth it.

10. More. Would be great to learn.

11. Kids. I've had some kids come up to me thinking I'm the character I'm cosplaying and it's so cute how excited they get. It always makes my con.

12. Upper floors! I can't stand noisy neighbors and I really don't mind walking up stairs. Good exercise as well.

13. Experienced Cosplayers. They will at least know the proper etiquette of a con. Many of the newer underage cosplayers don't. No glomping or yaoi paddles thank you

14. What's show and tell? I don't really want to kiss anyone other than my boyfriend and puppies so I guess that one?

>> No.7303035 [View]

Oh I forgot to say thank you as well. I'm sorry!! Thank you so much!

>> No.7303033 [View]
File: 216 KB, 370x665, catfangurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohimgosh thank you so much.

You really don't look fat at all man!


You're cute!

You could make a really cute Aeris! But you would need your hair braided and the right color dress.

Yo I know that feel! But I think you look cute and it doesn't look that bad at all!

Your hard work was worth it! You look great

Ohmigosh I know. When I got the photos back I was just like 'ohman I wish he told me my bows were misaligned' They are the only good Tohru photos I have though. I found this one hallway shot and they aren't as badly misaligned.

>> No.7303013 [View]
File: 809 KB, 1008x715, Bananners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore Pascal so much last year, she was my favourite costume. I'm really sad I never got to do a shoot. I'm hoping once spring comes around to do one (and hopefully remake my shotstaff. It was only my second time making a prop so I had no clue what I was doing when I made it last year. I also kinda frankenstied it to make my Ashe bow. The more I wore Pascal the more I got into character. I wasn't able to bring the shotstaff to the cons the second and third time do to it not being local. However I found that didn't matter. It helped me really get into character more and just be the crazy cheerful girl she is. One of my favourite cosplays of mine for sure. I also did fix up the pockets and what not from the first time. I think Nausicaa is going to be my most worn cosplay this year so I'm hoping I can improve as well!

>> No.7302988 [View]

You are a life saver thank you so much! Right I'm so excited! Zoro is my husbando so I'm so stoked for this. My bf got me into one piece and now I think I like it more than he does haha. I'll post progress photos and what not. Again thank you so much!!!

>> No.7302004 [View]
File: 848 KB, 1280x720, Perona_Scolds_Zoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my boyfriend and I are doing pic related. I've got Peronas wig figured out but I'm having a hard time finding a good Zoro wig. I'm thinking lace front would be the best but Arda doesn't seem to have any in the color that would suit Zoros hair color the best. Any ideas?

>> No.7301725 [View]

Korin you're my hero. All your cosplays and wigs are just incredible. I hope one day I'm half as good as you are.
I think your costume is awesome!
I think a lighter wig for Mercury would be better, and I agree with the collar being a bit to low. Best of luck!
Again HNNNNG. Super amazing
I don't know the character but you look great!!
The wig doesn't look bad! It's a really good color for Lulu too. I always see Lulu cosplayers with way to light of purple for their wig. You're super cute and your costume is awesome!
From the thumb I thought you were cosplaying Zone-tan and was like Ohmama. But you look really great!
Are you Freddie or Jesus? I like bother either way!
It looks great!! You look dangerous cute.

>> No.7301701 [View]
File: 406 KB, 1198x1800, 219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to be cute but feel I came out more awkward. Older costume since nothing new yet cause I'm a butt.

Hawt dayum gurl! But seriously it's awesome.
Hnnnng! Your red mage is flawless. I also know that feel.
Your Tank girl is amazing. You fit her so well in all the best ways.
Pretty awesome! The skateboard is really cool.
You look super cute! Just keep on going! Look forward to seeing more!
Can I just say how much I love you. All your costumes are just perfection
I love your fuku! Super awesome
That is so adorable
You are gorgeous
Boris you are just amazing. I love all of you costumes and can't wait to see more.
Show me your boobs! Sorry. Your cosplay is amazing.
I would cry too! It's so creepy and incredible!!
It's hard to see but from what I can see it looks great!
Oh wow you are gorgeous. I love your Sailor Uranus so much.
Your Bulma is so cute!
I think you look super cute. Its a hobby and if you want to continue then you should! But if you don't then you're free to do that as well.
Awe you're so cute!
Hot daym gurl. Your costume is amazing.
I really really like this. Your wings are great and I'd love to see another photo if your costume.
I've seen you wearing this a few times at cons! Super awesome! Major props for carrying the cello around too.
Awe yeah hookups! Your full costume is amazing! I'll def be stopping by to come see you at Sakura con!
I think that your costume looks great and the boots look awesome. Much better than boot covers would have been!
Wow you're incredible!
You're cuteness is to much
I think you are adorable and I love your Konata/Haruhi cosplay!!

>> No.7299938 [View]

Sorry for double post

Sorry I just saw this. We are doing OP on Friday and it would be so awesome to meet you! I haven't heard of any other OP cosplays but I'm sure there will be some. There is always at least a luffy haha. Awe sorry to hear your friends aren't into OP. I'm trying to get some of my friends into it but they are always like 'oh no it's way to long' which I felt at first but once I started watching it I loved it. Are you doing timeskip Nami/Law or pre? It doesn't matter still want to get photos and stuff either way I'm just curious.

>> No.7299932 [View]

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond, I've been super sick and haven't been able to get on the comp.

Yes that was me! Awe I'm sorry, are you going to ATOA?

I'll definitely come stop by! Which Sailor Moon cosplays are you doing if you don't mind me asking.

>> No.7289972 [View]

>1) Would you work in a bar, or restaurant as a waiter while cosplaying?

Yeah that would be awesome. If there were any I'd probably go as a guest as well. But I think it would be a pretty cool job and a lot of fun.

>2) Would you work in a more erotic setting, i.e. a strip club, with elements of cosplay?

No I don't think I could. I'm sure the money would be heaps better but I'm far to self conscious about my body and what not. I'm not sure if I could work in that type of environment, not really my thing.

>> No.7289924 [View]
File: 176 KB, 720x960, thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've ordered from sock dreams once for thigh highs for cosplay and I loved them. They were only $6 but did roll so had to use fashion tape to keep them up.

>> No.7289888 [View]
File: 71 KB, 506x960, 1389307765066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I ask what you guys collect
Monster High/Ever After High fag here.

I'd love to sew things for my dolls but I'm very picky on what they wear as well and usually like to keep them in their outfits they come with. However I really want to do another MH/EAH cosplay! I'm thinking Sweet Screams Draculaura and I have no idea about EAH, just love them all. However Cupid, Madie Cerise and Ashylnn are in my top wants to cosplay.

>> No.7288114 [View]

Are you cosplaying for ATOA? If so it would be really cool to meet up if you'd like! I'm a big shoujo fan but not a lot of my friends are so it would be really cool to be able to talk about it and stuff. Sorry if that's to forward.

>> No.7287474 [View]

Oh man that photo really makes me want to redo my Mew Berry and have a TMM group.

>Post the convention you're attending.
It's a bit far off but Sakura Con! It's the only big con that I can afford to go to at the moment. Love to meet and hang out with people.

>Post a little bit about yourself.
Well for Sakura Con I will be cosplaying, Perona from One Piece, Syndra from LoL and Nausicaa from Ghibli. So if anyone has any cosplays from any of those series would love to get photos with you! We have a growing LoL group but still would love to have more. One Piece I have a Zoro and maybe a Luffy. I think we are planing to do timeskip but not 100% sure. Either way it would be a lot of fun to get photos.
I'm really shy and awkward but I'd still like to be able to meet and hang out with people. I'll try not to be super awkward I just have a hard time knowing what to say.

>> No.7287450 [View]

Gah thank you so much.

Thank you!!

Are you going to Sak con this year by chance? It would be awesome to meet up again! Thank you so much. You and your costume is beautiful! I'd love to see it completed.

Thank you! I love everything you do and always get happy to see whenever you post a new costume. You are just super cute.

Gah thank you!! Your Madoka is so adorable, you fit her so well.

Thank you so much! I'd really like to redo it one day and make a better boomerang and armor since it was my first prop and 'bigger' costume alltogether.

>> No.7285820 [View]
File: 119 KB, 900x600, 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss a lot of people who used to post.

I don't have anything new yet so I'm just going to post one of my favourite costumes. I hope that's alright.

You look great! Love how your costume turned out.

>> No.7278189 [View]

I don't think I've ever been hit on at a con. Or maybe I was just oblivious to it? I think I'm at least a 6/10 but never had it happen. I go to cons with my bf now but like when I was single it never happened. So maybe it's just me but I never had it happen.

But anyway I've actually had quite a few friends who've got together because of a con. We all met because we cosplayed League of Legends and then got each others info and played together and three months down the road there was three new couples haha.

So my advice would be to go to a meetup, regardless if you are cosplaying or not. It's a great way to meet people with the same interests. I know at Sakura Con there is a board that has all the cosplay meetups posted, but I'm not sure about other cons. You can usually find the meetups online as well. In my experience everyone is really nice and it's easy to talk to them because you both like the same thing. Hope this helps OP and best of luck!

>> No.7278114 [View]

Thank you! Yeah I'm super excited to cosplay her. She's one of my fav champs. I'm having difficultly figuring out the floating balls though, haha. Can't wait to see your Riven!!

Thank you guys! I'm going to try my best to pull them off well, especially Nausicaa. It's my favourite movie and I just want to make it perfect.

Can't wait to see your Yang! I know! I've been wanting to cosplay her for so long but never got around to it. I think she will be more popular now that she has been reveled as a new SSB character. I want to do the SSB design since it has a bit more detail than her SMG dress.

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