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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6676587 [View]

it looks like it's maintenance time again?

>> No.6675157 [View]

I'd love to donate those too, jesus. I actually ran out of stuff to buy so now I'm just sending gifts to my friends, so maybe that's what people hope for by friending me? But I only really send them to my real life friends...

I'd be really surprised if anyone got banned, since no rules are being broken. It's a feature in the game, and they give a limit so it's not like it's unlimited money.

>> No.6675132 [View]

God I'm ridiculously addicted to this game. My name is Katigiri if anyone wants to add me.

My friend had taught me the money "trick" yjust before I saw this thread, but bless whoever is posting all the names of people to add.
Oh, something I noticed, I made my room and character super cute and pastel, and I've noticed ever since that I get like 50+ hearts a day now, and almost endless friend requests compared to the 10 or so hearts I would get before. It's interesting.

>> No.6654398 [View]

Shannon and I were once jokingly talking about cosplaying from this.
If we did do it, we'd carry around the props from the game (like the magic 8 ball and the weird rainbow dildo-looking sculpture everyone loves)

>> No.6620263 [View]
File: 737 KB, 713x616, mail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all but 1-2 wigs for sakuracon and fanime

lucaille shipped them out right before they closed for cny, i'm so excited even tho they wont get here for like 2 weeks

>> No.6606549 [View]

I'm not sure yet, I'd say probably day 1? i'm in a decently-sized group, but i'm not sure what day we're doing it yet. we wore our costumes at ALA too, only a few people recognized us but they were super excited hehe.

>> No.6605229 [View]

yeah i'll probably do sunday too. i was thinking of at least having the umbrella, knife, and cat effects. i have an umbrella already but i was going to mostly walk around with the cat stuff on, that's my favorite effect in the game haha. most people go with the knife one don't they?

>> No.6604161 [View]

whoops didn't see this post when i typed my last reply, sorry!
i'm not sure, probably on day 0 and times when i don't feel like wearing my other costumes. it's my lazy costume haha.

>> No.6604160 [View]

i'm down fo that

>> No.6602716 [View]

I'm excited!

>Madotsuki from Yume Nikki
>Stocking from P&S
>Cure Marine from Heartcatch Precure
>Yuu from Creamy Mami
>Fukawa from Dangan Ronpa
>MAYBE Rika from Haganai

God it seems like a lot, luckily they're not all super complicated...
Anyways I'm petty pumped because my friends and I are actually doing fun stuff at the con so hopefully I won't be in my hotel room on my laptop or wandering the dealers hall by myself the whole time like last year haha.

>> No.6578710 [View]

my friend got the fairmont thursday-monday for us, i'm really excited! fanime was my favorite con of 2012 i can't wait to go back.

>> No.6494328 [View]

All my friends were creeped out by it, one of them screamed when they walked into the room when I was taking this picture.

>> No.6494318 [View]
File: 36 KB, 480x640, 382146_534735206537302_1301106275_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be a part of a decently sized group at ALA as Fukawa, pic related.

Originally I thought that we'd mostly go unrecognized except for a few people, but now I'm thinking we might be somewhat popular considering how hugely popular the games are getting on tumblr and the like.
I guess it'll be interesting to see the reactions we get.

>> No.6492181 [View]
File: 47 KB, 720x540, 313419_2003820061432_310444212_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaah oh gosh thank you ;A; it looks better when I'm not in the middle of talking... And yeah that's my real hair.

Also most of the derp in this picture comes from my reflection in the window.
Here's a better one to make up for the first one in any case.

>> No.6491713 [View]
File: 182 KB, 512x640, 6639577307_5340c24e26_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really excited the penguin swam up to me, ok.

>> No.6488257 [View]

Yeah I'm really not a fan of Fantasy Sheep, the only other wig I've had from them was a disaster.

>> No.6488036 [View]

Oh, my bust is only 36 inches. If you order from somewhere with custom-sizing, it should be fine. My boobs fit into the dress, it doesn't fit right around my ribcage for some reason.

>> No.6488026 [View]
File: 1014 KB, 855x1000, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up my order from the post office yesterday!

I'm really really surprised by the quality of the Fantasy Sheep wig, I bought it because it was the only character-specific wig (or even wig of this color) I could find, but it's gorgeous in person!
The CC Kids wig is silky and pretty as usual but I ended up not needing it so idk what to do with it yet. The colors are blended really nicely.
Maid dress ended up being a tiny bit too small for me. I took out the darts in the back which makes it fit now, but it's almost impossible to zip up myself because of the way the sleeves are sewn to the bodice. Not 100% happy with it, but it's cute.

>> No.6483714 [View]

Last winter I did a big group order for Sakuracon, including full costumes, wigs, props, etc. I used Taobaospree because a friend told me she always uses them when she buys costumes because they're good at helping with what measurements are needed, etc.
I placed the order around 2 months before the con, so that there'd be time to get everything. But the taobaospree representative I got would talk 2-3 days to respond to my emails, people were late sending me money, etc etc until basically they only shipped out our items the week of the convention.

The package arrived at my dorm the day we got back from the convention.

Refused to work with Taobaospree ever since.

>> No.6483632 [View]

I'll be sure to look for you when I'm wearing it! I'm not too hard to find since the heels make me like 5'6" and I have a big pink bouffant with a white feather on my head...
Shannon will be with me too as Thumbelina!

>> No.6481319 [View]
File: 555 KB, 963x380, ALA13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukka ended up cornering me at a party and convinced me to be Ma-san from Um Jammer Lammy with her, so I guess that's happening. I haven't added it to my lineup picture, but otherwise yeah this is what I'm wearing.

I'm so fucking excited to see my Cali bros who I haven't seen since AX!!

>> No.6481274 [View]

No no I mean I've seen separate complaints about both EMS and Taobaoring, and somehow I've done fine with both.

The only problem I've had with Taobaoring is that they would email me to ask a question and I'd email back an answer, then a few days later they'd email me again asking the same thing as if my email didn't go through. it only happened a few times and didn't really hold the order up, but it was strange.
Otherwise I thought their service was great, there were a few mistakes in the order that they actually caught for me that would've caused a lot of problems (like ordering shoes to be 38 cm long instead of 28 cm because of my typo).
I've only used Pruany and Taobaospree in the past, I loved Pruany but their English was bad and Taobaospree would take 4+ days to respond to my emails. I'm thinking of trying out Bhiner next.

>> No.6480545 [View]

Regarding EMS- Taobaoring shipped out my order on Wednesday or Thursday via EMS and it's in the US already. I live on the West Coast if that means anything?
I've also been hearing about some issues ordering with Taobaoring and everything for me has gone completely smoothly, I guess I just got lucky or something.

>> No.6472283 [View]

I realized the other day that I still haven't ordered my badge fhdgjkhfdjgdjs nor do I have the money to do so... I really like ALA so I want to give them money so I'll see what I can do, I might as my mom to buy it for me as a christmas gift.

Otherwise... Hotel booked, roomies found. All but one of my costumes are done, but I'm going home in 5 hours for winter break and I can't bring along my sewing machine, so I need to finish what I can tonight and then bribe a friend to let me borrow their's.

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