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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6876080 [View]
File: 62 KB, 640x480, soge king cosplay 740362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when Soge King first showed up in Once Piece and my friend just had to make the costume. I still haven't caught up to reading that far myself.

>> No.6876075 [View]

> artist alley etiquette
One time I was debating on a print to buy from Jo Chen. She's done covers for the Buffy and Runaways comics. Some asshole comes up with a bunch of posters to get signed. She asks where he got them. He says he printed them out himself as he works in a print shop. I just kinda kept looking through the folder of prints to buy. Sure enough I went by the ones he had. He makes some sob story about how his niece if a big fan of Faith. She agrees to sign that one and make it out to her. Personally that's more than I think he deserved.

>> No.6876067 [DELETED]  [View]

> You know how many women who consider the shit Edward Cullen pulls in the Twilight series "romantic"?
You know how many women have serious mental issues and were raised horribly?

>> No.6871710 [View]

I was very very tempted to cosplay as Nabashin. I didn't even realize he was there until I got there. I got a Lupin jacket in my closet. I figged I could have found a fro wig at Dorothy's Costume on Mass Ave. Though I remember a friend getting one of those for a friend's Yakitate cosplay and it took some finagling to look decent. Anyway, I was too tired to go through all that. I had actually slept in later than I wanted all three days anyway.

>> No.6871689 [View]

I saw two Gendos, one with a Misato. I was hoping to make it three Gendos, but that wasn't happening this year. I saw a couple Asukas and Shinis and Reis. Even saw a 3.0 Shinji with a collar, but I was running out to meet friends. There was that group at the booth I forgot to go by before the alley closed, but I was busying helping an artist friend pack up.

>> No.6868480 [View]

SHIT. I just remembered I never again saw The Stig in the AE86 Trueno after I saw him walking around the dealers room but couldn't get to him in time. Of course he was going too fast for me to catch up.

>> No.6864250 [View]
File: 268 KB, 512x384, Grandpa Simpson it'll happen to you, too. homerpalooza1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainly I go to hang out with friends. Sadly the one this weekend, a number of them couldn't make it down or up or were working.

A couple said they feel they are getting too old and the crowds are getting too young and they just feel creepy being surrounded by high schoolers. Meanwhile, there were a couple of panels about older fans at anime cons, but we couldn't get in because they filled up quick. So some of us

Also... fucking Homestuck/Bronies/AventureTime every fucking where you look. I was laughing and raging. Kids today. I remember when I thought it would be funny and contrary to dress up as a comic book character to go. Now it seems 1/4 to 1/2 the people aren't from anime or J vidya.

>> No.6863418 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 93 KB, 480x640, 2013-05-25 21.13.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

signed Nabashin doujin. Huzzah.

>> No.6863384 [DELETED]  [View]

so.. which of you pervs is going to the Nabashin Unbound panel?
um.. not that I know anything of it or the one last night or anything

>> No.6863295 [View]

more pics here

>> No.6863293 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 269 KB, 640x480, 2013-05-25 16.54.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this... abomination in the dealers room.
Meanwhile.. I am taking cosplay pics with my real camera.

>> No.6861886 [View]

Something in my machine jammed years ago working on the last costume I did and I finished using a friends I was working with for a Trigun group. I still have yet to tinker around and figure out what went wrong. Doesn't hurt that I haven't done any cosplay since, at least nothing major that needs sewing.

>> No.6861885 [View]

didn't really take photos yesterday. still in a haze from a cold / allergy / not enough sleep trifecta. Maybe today I'll have my camera out and ready.

>> No.6860002 [View]
File: 43 KB, 273x273, evangelion gendo 1341163201051a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at some point last night I threw up my hands and said , "FUCK EVERYTHING!" and realized there was no way on Earth I was even getting my simple idea for a costume done.

>> No.6859655 [View]
File: 90 KB, 640x512, ALL HAIL THE MOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing this is not the year to go around carrying around with a facsimile of one of these again...
I got one costume I was thinking of integrating it into... but I guess it's a good thing I didn't even start it for this year.

>> No.6859645 [View]

oh and the damn con is tomorrow

>> No.6859644 [View]
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, evangelion gendo 1341159678367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 2:30 in the morning you throw you arms up in the air and shout " FUCK EVERYTHING! " and swear you will start earlier next time. And.. hey.. at least now you know some things NOT to do.

That's where I am at tonight.. well.. and going to bed disappointed.

>> No.6844555 [View]

I kinda don't wanna say it.. in case I get busy and don't finish or I just screw up the whole thing somehow.
Plus.. I still need to pick up a World's Greatest Dad mug.
Thankfully I've seen some around already for father's day.

>> No.6844552 [View]

> I smell Homestuck.

Blech. People think I'm doing Homestuck. I was gonna joke about still looking for the sunglesses, but that could be Homestuck too. Are they orange as well? I really should have picked up a pair ages go.

>> No.6844533 [View]

Eh. Guess I'll see if I have time to hand sew it and get some heat and bond as a back up. Thanks.

>> No.6844385 [View]

well.. fuck.. yeah.. I guess I can just hand sew the damned thing..
Just gotta take the time

>> No.6844381 [View]

maybe I should just try safety pins.. fuck.. that be even more ghetto

>> No.6844378 [View]

How about for a lazy 30 year old that doesn't have the time or money or want to spend the effort to fix his sewing machine? It jammed up years ago and I haven't sewn a costume since. Think finished with a friend's machine, who has since moved away.

So.. fabric glue for the cosplayer too lazy and cheap to fix his machine a week before a con?

When I do a proper version of the character, then I'll fix my sewing machine first. Hopefully it's fixable and not totally fucked.

eh. I'll try both or whatever. I should have plenty of extra of one fabric color.

>> No.6844345 [View]
File: 11 KB, 263x355, 41622GUkqxL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big of a sin is it to use fabric glue for cosplay? This isn't for competition and is just a fun little costume I want to throw together.

It's actually a character themed robe I'm trying to put together. Looking at using fleece. (Looks like I am aiming to be comfy at this convention.)

Would fabric glue even work? What's a good brand for it?

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